Monday, April 28, 2014

Studio Office Reveal. Part 3.

Another quick little update on the office.
Talk about an eclectic array of desks in my new studio/office! 
One of the latest additions is this new white IKEA ALEX desk, which will serve as my painting desk.

The other two desks are an antique writing desk and a mid-70's faux wood/file cabinet desk.
Three desks from three eras is all this tiny room can handle!

This is what the room looked like last week...

... before replacing the apothecary chest with bookcases. Much more functional!

They give me some much needed storage space and a place for my printer.

Of course Baby insisted on 'helping' while I was putting books in the bookcases.

She's been having a great time investigating all of the changes made over the weekend. 
I was able to use 2 floor lamps from other parts of the house, so between those and my OTT-Lite, hopefully the lighting situation will be good enough for painting.

The room still has a long way to go. It needs a rug, curtains, and all of the artwork hung.
But as I've said before, we move pretty s-l-o-w in this household, so all in good time.

I'll be joining Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House this week.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.



  1. LOL my grandson is here laughing with me at Baby! :)

  2. Very nice! I'm a "desk person" too, specializing in pretty little "ladies writing" ones. Before I realized it I had more than I needed - and like my cat population, it had me wondering, "Where did they all come from?"
    Is that Mother Cabrini on the shelf next to the Infant of Prague?
    And has there ever been a cat who didn't think he/she had to run right over and sit inside anything new that came in the house - or at least was the current center of attention? I think not!

  3. It really looks GREAT, Donna. My favorite accessory in there is the kitty!;>) Everything looks bright and crisp and neat! xo Diana

  4. I've really scaled down my desk space. I'm on one side of my bedroom. I sure wish we had an IKEA. Not one in the entire state of OK.

  5. Love the shelves and the furry adornment :)

    ...:) ...

  6. HI Donna!

    I love your new work space! I use a built in desk in my kitchen, which is a big improvement over the kitchen table I used to use in my old! I'd love a room of my own, but all our bedrooms are set up for grandchildren now.

  7. Love how your fixing up your studio! I wish there was an Ikea here. And Baby is the icing on the cake!

  8. I've been following all your recent 'office' posts. It looks lovely and I can see that Baby approves! Jx

  9. Baby the Building Inspector! She was just making sure that the shelves could support the weight of the books. Your studio/office is turning out beautifully! Twiggy and Twursula go nuts when I move the furniture, it is a cat thing. Sometimes just for fun I move the kitty kondo -- that just really surprises them!

  10. hello
    j'adore votre installation
    pour votre ordinateur
    tout à porter de mains
    et vos chats sont splendides
    le mien est " tigré "
    elle s'appelle LOLA
    à bientôt
    edith (iris) France
