Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our Memorial Day...

We had a nice relaxing Memorial Day.

After driving our oldest daughter, who came home for the weekend, back to Boston I spent some time in our little back yard. We've done a little tweaking out here, but not much.

The irises are in full bloom now, putting on a spectacular show.

Lots of weeding needs to be done! (Those are flowers -yet to bloom- in front of my flamingos, but to the center and left in front of the picket fence it's all weeds!).

One of our little hummers paid a visit while I was sitting up on the deck. He couldn't seem to decide whether to sip from the feeder or visit the flowers (yet to be planted). He opted for the sugar water in the feeder.

But the best part about our Memorial Day...

... was that we were able to go to the Emergency Animal Clinic Monday night at 9:30 to pick up THIS happy little guy...

... who after four days of not eating, finally has his ravenous appetite back!

Our boy is 13 and he's got his share of health issues, so it's often a guessing game as to what is going on. Long story short, after visits to the vet on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and then a 24 hour stay at the Emergency Animal Clinic Sunday/Monday, we have our boy back home!

Thank you all soooo much for your thoughts and prayers for Mr. J! We sure appreciated them!

This week I'm joining Brenda at Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday and
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!



  1. So glad he's back home with you! Bless his sweet heart!


  2. I am so glad that Mr. J is feeling better and is home where he belongs! Your iris are truly beautiful but so is your whole yard!

  3. I am so glad to hear your doggie is doing better! Your backyard looks beautiful, I do love those pretty purple irises!! Great shot of the hummingbird!

  4. Your iris are gorgeous, Donna. Your yard looks so pretty. Susan

  5. Donna- Your backyard is truly lovely. Love that you have things blooming. My irises are just starting to bud out here and there.

    Sorry about your sweet little fur baby. It is so hard to see them age, isn't it? After we lost our last pet I just didn't have the heart to get another.

    Hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

  6. Your garden looks delightful, even the weeds look happy Lol
    Nice to see your boy back home and he looks pleased too. The weather is crazy here in Adelaide S.A. cause my irises are blooming too!


  7. Your back yard is pretty, love color of the iris's. So sorry your little guy was not feeling good. Did they ever figure out why he wasn't eating? He is such a cutey, and glad he is back home with you where he surely belongs.

  8. Oh so glad that he is back to his happy self. Poor baby! He must be thrilled to be back home.
