Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31st...

Happy Halloween...

... from our house to yours.

I'm not quite sure where the summer went.
(the same view taken 5 months ago)

We had some pretty strong winds a few weeks ago. Luckily no trees came down.
It appears we'll have a decent night for the trick-or-treaters this year.

Enjoy your All Hallow's Eve!

Donna (who is not ready for winter)


  1. Hi Donna,
    I just love leaves all over the yard, it's so Fallish looking. I always have to tell my husband to leave the leaves until I say so. :)
    Happy All Hallow's Eve to you too.

  2. Hi Donna.....Was happy to see your post. Where have you been? Hope all is well. Susan

  3. Happy Halloween Donna! Your card looks beautiful in its blanket of leaves!

  4. Happy Halloween, Donna. We have had terrible winds all day, too- xo Diana

  5. What a difference in the seasons! I love photo comparisons like this. Hope you had a nice holiday!

  6. Hello Donna - I have missed your posts! All our trees are bare here now. In fact, my husband is outside right now (probably freezing), cleaning out the gutters and leaf blowing. It's cloudy and cold and I know this is just the beginning of a loong winter. I said to hubby last night, "OK, I'm tired of the cold weather already! Let's fast-forward to April." Ha. I wish.

  7. A lovely New England setting! Yes, that spring scene did fade away far too rapidly for me too!
    Our Halloween was ugly. Pouring rain and so windy that it blew horizontally. Mixed with snow too. Yuck. I keep worrying that this is a sign of what's to come. Boo! - and NOT in a "Halloween way!"

  8. Glad to see you back blogging. Hope all is well.
