Wednesday, August 26, 2015

National Dog Day

In honor of National Dog Day...

My post actually appears on my other blog. Click the dog print to visit my post about all the incredible shelter dogs we've had the honor of adopting!

My wish is that some day every shelter and pound will be empty, and every dog (and cat) who once lived in them will be living happily in their forever homes!

Until next time, 


  1. I'm sure that Baby is amused to hear that there's a 'National Dog Day'! The other 364 are obviously 'Cat Days'!!! Jx

  2. Oh my goodness, Donna. That too is my lifelong dream - shelters and rescues "out of business" because puppies and kittens are so scarce that only good people qualify to adopt them - and there's a waiting list. I've been asking St. Francis of Assisi for this favor for years - and I'll never stop!
