Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring has finally sprung!!!

Oh happy days here at the Cottage! We are all soooooo excited because it's the first warm day where we've been able to open up the windows!! Can you all see how excited Spotty is? (Yup, that's his excited look!)... My, oh my, what a wonderful (Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah) day!



  1. Awww... look how cute Spotty is :) He does look excited ;) That vase is darling! I'm so glad you finally had a touch of Spring :)


  2. Hi Donna!
    Isn't that fresh smell of spring wonderful? One of my favorite things is that unique spring green color that God made when all the trees and plants first come out of hibernation. Love the mosaic vase/pot. Did you make it? Have a great week!
    Hugs, Sherry

  3. How cute! My cats love when the windows are open in the spring too. I love the mosaic clay pot. Did you do that yourself? I've always wanted to give mosaics a try, maybe I will, once I get the basement emptied out so I can have a spot to do it in.


  4. Spotty is adorable! Cats only get excited for food, and maybe a bird or two that they see outside the window :-)

    Hugs, Pat

  5. What a nice photo..of your cat with the cottege flower pot.
