Saturday, January 31, 2009

Craving spring... faux tulips...a thrifted vase... and why I love Rachel Ashwell...

(click any photos to enlarge)
Okay, I'm really craving a big dose of spring right about now!
Ignore that pink poinsettia that screams Christmas and winter! Instead, focus on the tulips that are beckoning, "Come on spring! We're ready for you!"

Okay, so they're fake tulips, but I don't care... They remind me of spring, and since I'm at the tail end of a cold & snowy New England January, anything that makes me think of warm sunshine and spending time outside is okay in my book...

In addition to the tulips, I got out my Rachel Ashwell 'Simply Shabby Chic' Rosalie tablecloth (it also reminds me of all things spring-like!)... This tablecloth was one of my earliest purchases when I started getting into the shabby-cottage look...

Not only do I love Rachel Ashwell's home decor items (I just splurged on a shower curtain that I'll show you in an upcoming post), I also love her philosophy regarding decorating and life in general... She says, "Perfection is too daunting." Four such powerful words!! She also embraces the "rumpled style," as she calls it, and as you can tell from the tablecloth in the photos, I have no problem enbracing that style either!

Another early "cottage" purchase was this junktique vase. The bottom is marked E.O. Brody Co. M5000 Cleveland, O. U.S.A. It's very similar to this one that I just found on-line while researching the E.O. Brody Co.

So here's to... the anticipation of spring... the acceptance of faux flowers... the fun of thrifting... and the love of Rachel Ashwell's 'rumpled' style and 'perfection' philosophy!



  1. Speaking of shower curtains, I had one that was a Rachel Ashwll that looks just like your table cloth!

    I love her stuff.

    Here's wishing you a quick Spring!

    I on the other hand, am still praying we get some kind of winter here in CA. It was another hot and sunny day.


  2. I am with you 110%, Donna although I'm slightly uncertain whether we get a summer over here in the UK.

    I love your Rachel Ashewell tablecloth but I do just have to say that I really like your style and keep checking for the cool new stuff that you're doing. Keep up the good work.

  3. I'll drink to that! (Tea, that is, it's a bit early in the day for anything stronger) Your dining area looks so inviting, and I'm all for encouraging Spring to come early. Thanks for the lovely post to start my day!

  4. I love this tour, what a beautiful post. I love the faux tulips, I really need some of those right now too! Cindy

  5. Donna, my shower curtain is made from the same fabric as your tablecloth!! By the Target has all of the shabby chic items on clearance! I just bloght some things myself. Love your home.

  6. Hi Donna...the tulips look real from here. And they are beautiful in white. I, too, love your style, and I love Rachel Ashwell. I have a mint green tablecloth with very similliar roses on it, as your does. I also have an Ashell quilt on my bed. I am craving a yard sale right now..guess it will have to wait. Have a great week-end, Hugs

  7. I also love the look of Rachel Ashwell and her "unironed" fabrics. I wish I could find more around this area, chickee, but we're limited to Target. Your enchanted cottage is one of my favorite places to visit however.


  9. Beautiful white room. I'm always worried about doing white, but you have proved that it can be done and done with excellent taste. I love the room and the flowers very much.

  10. Life is soooo much easier and more fun when we don't seek perfection in the things around us. There was a time when a chip on a vase would have meant passing it by. NOT anymore!!!!

  11. OMGosh! These are beautiful photos! I thought you were showing more photos out of a magazine!

  12. Jus love your diningroom. So white and pretty!

  13. Love your new vase, and the faux tulips look great to me. I know lots of people who snub faux flowers, but I love my pets, and they just don't "do" real flowers very well. They will drag them out of the vase and chew them up the first time I leave the room, so faux is the way to go!
