Friday, April 10, 2009

Patience is a virtue...

And luckily for Mrs. Birdie...

... Patience is also a great place to nest!

I first introduced Patience here (when she was an outdoor planter); and when she moved inside for the winter, she modeled several new "hats" here...

Since she's made herself so comfortable here in the family room, I don't think she'll be going back out to the garden this year...

I loved all the comments as to where Mrs. Birdie might have built her nest! So many great ideas (that I may use in the future!! With all my bird cages, you'd think I would have thought of that myself!)

And oh, how I'd love to have a guest bathroom for Mrs. Birdie (We have one bathroom on the main living level and one downstairs in the finished basement. The #1 thing my husband would change about our house, if he could, is to have a master bathroom.)

And the mention of a kitchen window(sill) for her to nest on sends shivers down my spine! (That would be the #1 thing I'd change about our house... to have a window in our kitchen!! Yes, you heard right... not one single window in our little kitchen!)

The family room was mentioned in one comment, and Patience herself was mentioned in two comments, so those three entries went into a hat..... and the winner of the little birdie and quilted tote is...............

Just e-mail me with your mailing address, Jean, and I'll get the quilted tote and birdie right off to you!


  1. Oh now see, I said kitchen window because I need another one in our little cottage. I have one but it's to the side of my body when doing dishes and cooking and such. It will be changed when we start to remodel. I feel for you there! She is lovely none the less where she is on patience.

  2. Oh no! I had the right guess but the wrong room, though that was the room I was thinking of when I said the living room! Darn, so close yet so far. I'm sure the winner will be just as happy she won as I would have been.

    I love your house so much! It is so warm and cozy and has such a nice welcoming feel to it.

    Your home is a dream place for me.


  3. I love all the "hats" you give your sweet "Patience" through the year, LOL!

    Congrats to the winner of your giveaway!

  4. Hi Donna :)

    Patience sure gets around ;)

    I was catching up with you and all of a sudden... I saw something! YOU!! You are beautiful Donna, even with the red lights LOL I'm so happy to see a friend that I've been talking to forever :)

    Have a wonderful Easter!!

  5. I don't have a window in my kitchen either! I stare off over the sink into a window that is my garden room. Once was the patio before I moved here. I remember that beauty from a post you did some time ago. Ageless.

  6. Another give-away with beautiful things! I need to make a trip back to the Christmas Tree Shop. It's been too long. Last time I went it was busy, busy, busy so I was pretty much in and out!

    No kitchen window? That's odd. And I agree, a master bathroom is always nice even if it's just a small one like ours. One day.

    Congratulations Jean!!!

  7. This is Patience's best 'do yet! Congrats to Jean.
