Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Rainy Day in Portsmouth, NH

The day after our 'snowstorm,' there were some heavy coastal rains.
Of course that's the day Amanda and I had plans to drive up to
Three Graces Gallery in Portsmouth, N.H. to pick up her remaining artwork.

(this particular photo was taken by me in 2009 during another rainy day in Portsmouth!)
Sadly, this beautiful gallery where Amanda has exhibited her artwork for the past several years will be closing at the end of December. Kim, the gallery owner, has decided to spend more time working on her own art. And since she was at the gallery just about every day, that didn't leave a lot of time for her to pursue her own passions. So although we're very happy for her, our trips to Portsmouth just won't be the same without stopping in at The Three Graces. (Good luck, Kim!!)
Normally we wander around Portsmouth (even on rainy days like this), but on this particular day we were in a bit of a hurry, so after loading up Amanda's art we left the van in front of the gallery and just ran across the street to Fat Belly's to grab a quick bite.
 Someone told us we didn't have to put money in the meter because it was still the holiday season.
I still wanted to keep my eyes on the van 'just-in-case' we were misinformed and a meter reader or tow truck happened along! So how lucky were we to get the one table right by the window, with a clear view of the van!
I love tables with a view, and even in the pouring rain, Portsmouth is a fun place to people-watch. We saw people with umbrellas, people with dogs, people hurrying along, and people taking their time and enjoying a lovely, rainy afternoon (probably saying prayers of thanks that it wasn't snow or sleet! I know I was!)
The meals were delicious! Amanda ordered a grilled cheese with lobster...
.. and I ordered a veggie burger with a side salad. Delicious!!
All in all, a fantastic way to spend time with one of my two favorite girls in the whole wide world!
I hope you're all enjoying this week between Christmas and New Year's.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend a rainy day! Old Portsmouth is so charming. And you're right, that was a great table to watch the world go by!

  2. What a fun day. I love to go out and about with my girls. Love the pictures. Rainy days are my favorite. Wishing you a wonderful her year.

  3. Donna- It may have been raining there but I see lots of HAPPY there! Nothing like spending time with your girls- xo Diana

  4. What a nice day!(Of course , not the weather)That looks like a fun little town!

  5. I am reading this early morning and now I want French Fries for breakfast!

  6. Donna...I love rainy days too and your town looks just lovely. My hubby and I plan to visit the East Coast someday and that grilled cheese lobster sandwich is making me hungry!!

  7. Rainy days aren't my favorite, but at least we don't have to shovel rain! Grilled cheese with that's a new take on grilled cheese (at least to me) ~ and it sounds delicious!

  8. Hi Donna,
    Old Portsmouth looks like a charmingly delightful town. If you blink hard enough, it almost looks like those typical quaint English villages. I got a real chuckle out of the name of the eatery, "Fat Belly's." :)
    I truly miss living in the Northeast, as even after living down South for 7 years...I still find it difficult to adjust to many things.
    Hope you enjoy a very Happy New Year!

  9. Sounded like fun, Donna. I've never been to Portsmouth but would like to go.

    Hope your new year is terrific! Susan

  10. New England is so beautiful even in the rain! Have a Very blessed New Year and I am glad you enjoyed the scalloped ham & potato recipe! Thanks for the mention!

  11. Don't you hate it when it rains on the exact day you plan a daytrip? Portsmouth is beautiful and Christmas time is an especially great time to visit.
