Sunday, March 24, 2013

He's home!!!!

Thank you all SOOO much for your prayers and well wishes for our boy!

From Thursday afternoon until about 11 p.m. Saturday evening, he was at the Emergency Clinic recovering from an operation to remove his spleen due to internal bleeding. Before they could operate, he needed a blood transfusion because he had lost so much blood. As if that wasn't enough, Mr J has had ongoing problems with his right eye, and the surgeons thought it would be wise (if he was handling the anesthesia without any problems) to go ahead and remove his eye at the same time since it was going to continue to cause him problems - and great pain - in the future.

As it turns out, we are familiar with this procedure because our sweet Ms. Giz, who we lost several years ago, also had to have her right eye removed due to constant eye infections/complications related to her diabetes. And as you can see from this photo, she was a very happy little girl despite the procedure. 

So now our boy is home! We bought and installed a baby gate before we went to pick him up because he is not allowed to use stairs for quite some time. (It has been a LONG time since we've had a baby gate at the top of these stairs - our girls are now 24 and 27 years old!)

Mr J goes back to have his stitches removed in 10-12 days. In the meantime he is on pain killers and high blood pressure medicine, which he is handling just fine. We will know biopsy results early next week and are certainly praying that there is no cancer involved.

Mr J, shortly after coming home last night...

So as a recap...
Cost of original vet visit (well over $200).... 
Cost of 3-day emergency clinic (suffice to say, thousands upon thousands)
Cost of  baby gate... ($59)
Having our boy back at home, smiling..... PRICELESS!


  1. So glad to hear that he is home and recovering...he is such a sweetie!


  2. Donna- I am so glad your boy is home recovering. The poor, poor and losing his eye. I am hoping there is no cancer! xo Diana

  3. Oh, how precious!! Thank God he is home with you! You must be so happy and I'm sure he is too!

    Jan ♥

  4. Bless his heart. He has been through an awful lot. I hope he is feeling much better very soon. Sending a hug, Deb

  5. Oh that sweet little thing! So glad the worst is over - pets are so resilient and you are so right- worth every penny!
    Wishing him a speedy recovery!

  6. I am so glad to see Mr. J is home, but so sorry to see that on top of his spleen being removed, that he had to have an eye removed, too. Poor baby. Hope he'll be alright.

  7. Poor baby boy. So glAd he is home and doing okay. He is a cutie.

  8. I know you're relieved to have Mr. J home and recuperating. Our cat Callie, had almost all her teeth removed almost two weeks ago and is doing well. Unless our other five cats, Callie had bad teeth and there was nothing to be done except remove them. It is amazing what the vets can do nowadays.

    Mr. J is absolutely precious. I'll be looking in on him from time to time to see how he does. Praying BIG for his full recovery.

    Diane in North Carolina

  9. Ah poor little mite! I'm so glad he's home with you and on the mend.

  10. I am so happy for you! Hope it all comes back okay. We love them so. You're right: absolutely priceless.

  11. Oh Donna, the poor little dear. So happy he has you and your family to love him (and pay his bills.) God bless you all. Susan

  12. Bless his sweet heart. We will be praying for a fast recovery and no pain. I know it must be hard to see your beloved pet hurting. He has a goo momma!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse and the dogs of Still Woods (Lucky, Lucy, and puppy Luke)

  13. Poor boy. He does look glad to be home. I hope he has a speedy recovery and that you are well too.

  14. He is so sweet! I am so glad he is home and recovering. I'll pray that there is not cancer! Sweet hugs to all of you!

  15. Bless his heart. I know he must be so glad to be home with his peeps.

  16. Glad to hear that he's home safe and sound. Jx

  17. I'm so glad that your boy is back home with you. I'll pray that the results of the surgery to remove his spleen will all be clean and no problems.. Bless his little heart~~he's a trooper. There's no place like home for us or our pets.
    Prayers for you, too during these circumstances.. I certainly do know how stressful it is when our pets are sick.
    Charlotte in Va.

  18. Money well spent! It is a priceless photo of his face after arriving home. he is so happy--I know the feeling myself!!!

  19. Indeed priceless! No one can put a dollar amount on what our heart holds dear and loved. So happy he is with you at home. I have missed your posts. Patty/BC

  20. I have been out of town and missing blogs. I am so sorry to hear of your doggie's problems. I sure hope the worst is over. I come form a family of dog lovers so I know how you have been feeling!

  21. Bless his heart! Thank you for the email update and for this post. That boy will be surrounded by love and care - by his most loving parents. Give him a kiss from me. Such good news!


  22. Oh, Donna, I'm so glad your sweet little boy is back home. He has been through so much and looks very happy to be back in his loving home. What troopers our pets are. You can't put a price on the love they give us. Praying for good news when the results come in.

  23. Oh, Donna, your sweet boy looks so happy to be back home with his loving family. He has been through so much, and I know it's stressful for you and your family, too. Our pets are real troopers, aren't they? The love and happiness they give us is truly priceless. I am hoping and praying for more good news when the results come in. Take care.

  24. Oh God Bless him and his sweet, sweet heart ♥ I will say some prayers for him!

  25. so happy to hear he is recovering and hope there is no cancer. What does one do for their pet if they can't afford all that? Just makes me shudder.

  26. What a sweet boy! I am so glad he is well enough to go home. Praying for his continued recovery and good health.

  27. Your poor boy! I often read but do not comment. Just wanted to let you know he is in our thoughts. Such a sweetie, and still every bit as handsome as ever. Minerva ~

  28. What a lucky lucky little furry have a family that loves him so much!! May he heal quickly & well. My prayers being sent.


  29. Prayers for a continuing good recovery!

  30. So happy he's home. Our fluffies give so much love.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. Hi Donna,

    How's Mr J doing since his surgery? I still have both of you on my Prayer List and pray for you every day. Just wondering how he is coming along.


  32. What a dear little love. I do hope Mr. J will be a-o-k. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  33. I just found your beautiful blog and I love it!...Poor little baby. I hope he's feeling much better soon. :)
