Friday, May 30, 2008

May I introduce Patience...

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Allow me to introduce Patience. She was nameless until I recently purchased her new flower hat. I'm afraid she wasn't too pleased, and she let me know that she would have preferred a larger, more 'fanciful' hat... I told her that both she and I need to remember that patience is a virtue, and that good things come to those who wait. I'm happy to say that our little talk made all the difference as she's now in a much more agreeable frame of mind. Forevermore she will be known as Patience...

Update to comments: I bought Patience last year at a Christmas Tree Shop, which is a chain here in the New England area. She is actually an inexpensive resin planter, originally a dark brown/bronze color. I wanted to make her look more like a stone or concrete planter so I used light grey acrylic craft paint to sponge paint her, allowing the dark brown/bronze to show through in crevices. (Had I been blogging last year, I would have taken 'before' photos!) I also saw a very similar "lady head" planter in Home Goods last summer.



  1. Oh, I love Patience. She is just so cute and what an appropriate name.

  2. Patience is just awesome! I noticed her in the background in your birdbath pics. Where ever did you find such a treasure? Tell Patience that she will have a nice big flower hat soon enough! lol

  3. Very beautiful!


  4. Patience is beautiful. I discovered Christmas Tree Shops while on my honeymoon on Cape Cod in 2002. I really missed them until we got one about an hour away from our home last year. Now I stop whenever I can and always find great stuff.

  5. Patience is lovely! So demure looking and feminine. You did a wonderful job. We don't seem to have the Home Goods stores here. I kept hearing about them from blogs and looked here in Texas. Nada.

  6. In no time flat Patience will have a big and beautiful hat full of color.

    I love her name. I should try to find something like that to bring to my brother. I keep telling him he has to have patience. Maybe if he had a some flowers he could watch them grow and see his body is growing slowly back to normal too.


  7. Thanks for posting the info! I appreciate it.

  8. I found you from Rue's I am visiting everyone in the A's! Love your cute style! I have added on you on my list of caught my eye!

  9. Hi Donna!
    It was such a pleasure to meet Patience today! I've heard she's a very virtuous person. Arr-Arr! She'll like her hat better in a month when it has filled in and is cascading down her hair a bit. At any rate it's been lovely to make her acquaintance! Hugs, Sherry
    Your garden items are so awesome!

  10. Patience looks very pretty wearing her flowers.
