Saturday, May 31, 2008

Old windows and flower boxes... a match made in heaven....

Window boxes... Flower boxes... Whatever you call them, few things equal their instant cottage charm!!!

We live in a split entry where the windows (hence, any window boxes) are well above watering level, so I've had to create my own at ground level by pairing flower boxes with some of the old windows I've collected in the past.. (another great way to recycle those old windows!!).

It's hard to believe that by by mid-summer these impatiens should be tall enough to meet the windowpanes.... (By the way, Mr. & Mrs. Wren have accepted the fact that I must water the flowers behind their cottage each day. Although they still keep a watchful eye on me, they have at least stopped their loud chattering, aimed at driving me away!)

This is the girls' old tree house, which is actually a free standing fort that hubby built for them when they were little (they're now ages 19 and 22 so, needless to say, they don't use it anymore!). We dressed it up a bit with an old window and flower box ....

This garden window is attached to the fence along the backyard, right next to the patio we put in last year. It is also the one that the squirrels like to rip apart on a daily basis... Vinca vines and impatiens are always strewn on the ground below in their attempts to bury/find/rebury/refind their favorite stash of nuts. Darn good thing for them that I think they're cute!!

Now if you read yesterday's blog post about patience, this is where I need to remind myself that it is indeed a virtue, because I sooo want these little guys, planted in the windowboxes of our shed, to look like the ones from last year (see sidebar photo!)... Granted, that photo was taken late in the summer... Patience, Donna... patience!!!
I promise I'll do an "inside" post one of these days [soon]... but the weather is just fantastic, as anyone from New England can attest to... and I'm just loving being outside and planting and having fun with the flowers and birds and critters!!

Comments Update: The shed came with its own flowerboxes, and we didn't make the ones on the fence (but I did paint them that bright green! ha ha)... I bought them at The Christmas Tree Shops last year. I was just there the other night and they have them this year, too. My husband screwed the windows and the planter boxes into the cross rails/support rails of our "oh so old" stockade fence and they seem to be holding really good!



  1. Soooooooooooooo, so darling!

    M ^..^

  2. Those are so pretty, and so creative of you to find a way to have window boxes whereever you want them! I am wanting some window boxes so badly on the front of my house!

  3. What wonderful window boxes! I love old windows, too. Yours are nice together. ~Adrienne~

  4. What creative ideas to have window boxes!! They look lovely! As always, I love your style of writing. It's so fun to read.


  5. I LOVE them! Did you make the window boxes? How are they attached? I could stay here and read all day!

  6. What a wonderful idea! Again, you always give me great ideas.

    I love the window box and window on the fence. I may steal that idea!

    I've already ordered two more bird baths off of ebay because after your post I saw that just having one bird bath is no where near enough in my back yard. LOL


  7. OK, after seeing this toaday, I had to go out and get new plants for my one and only window box! Like how you have used old windows with yours!

  8. Donna-

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I am just looking through yours wondering why I don't have it listed as my favorites. I will be correcting that right away.

    I just love windows and boxes and flowers...oh my! Your bird baths are so precious...I really want to get some. I can't believe you have spoiled your birdies must be...haha.

    I think I am entered in your drawing, but if not please include me in both. Your giveaways are so gorgeous!!!


  9. Hi Donna!
    The window boxes are darling! There's something so charming about them!!
    Hugs, SHerry
