Monday, July 14, 2008

"An Enchanted Cottage" and "Cape Cod Life" magazines!

Okay, this Flickr thing could be addictive!!! This is my girls on the Cape many, many moons ago!! (They're now 19 and 22!)

See what Cindy started when she posted this on her blog? And then Mary at Little Red House created one, and she even has a running list of other people who created magazines so you can see all of the covers!!

Well, I hopped right over to Flickr to join in on the fun! So here are the first two issues of "An Enchanted Cottage" magazine:

This one features Mr. B (I miss you, my sweet boy)...

And then I had fun creating a "dining room" themed cover...

So here's the Flickr link - I hope you all enjoy having complete control over YOUR personal magazine - cover and articles!!! And then send a link to Mary at Little Red House so she can add you to the list!!

And Kady - thank you so much for the award!! I will be doing a post on awards later in the week, and will include this one in that post... You are so sweet to pass this on to me :)



  1. Now how fun is that. I have got to pop on over there and check it out.
    Stop by for my blog giveaway.


  2. Good Monday Morning! I also made myself a magazine cover for my blog! Isn't it fun?!??! Your's look great! I especially love the one with your daughters on it. How sweet! They are beautiful girls!
    Have a great day!

  3. What fun! These covers are great...and making me wish they were real! lol Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. That is great! That dining room cover is soooo beautiful!

    I'm glad everyone is having so much fun with this!!! I know I spent a lot of time with mine and enjoyed every minute of it!

  5. Donna.

    I love your magazine and I will take a copy of each since they are free; how very kind of you!

    I lived in Western Mass for a year when I graduated from college, Williamstown or Billville as it was affectionately know. It truly is beautiful out there, very tranquil and scenic and I am glad you found a fun shop!


  6. How fun! They all look so real :0). I may have to try that soon.

  7. I'm sending my money in for a subscription to each of your mags! They look fabulous! I've got to do this!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. You're very welcome for the award! And very deserving.

    Flicr Toys, omg, how fun is this! I have created several magazine covers that I will be slipping into my blog posts in the next few days. I had WAY too much fun making them and also adding captions to photos with the LOLCAT generator. I sat and laughed all the time that I was working on them.

    Love the way your magazine covers turned out. They look like they really could be covers!


  9. I love your magazine covers. They are so pretty, your little girls are so sweet looking. Looks like you were having lots of fun. Have a great week.


  10. But...but...but....I want to subscribe!!!!

    M ^..^

  11. Where do I sign up for a subscription? I think our blogland sisters would have some of the BEST magazines around!


  12. ohhhh..your chandelier looks amazing on the dining room! i am glad you got a chance to getaway for a bit..everyone needs to recharge their batteries sometimes! and your bluebird is just it!


  13. Wahy fun Donna! I saw this on Mary's blog but I've been so busy I haven't been able to make a cover as yet. Yours look like real magazines! Wonderful!
