Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Greylock Cottage

When my daughter and I headed out to western MA for a bit of girl fun, one of the first towns we visited was Lee, MA. It has the most adorable Main Street...

...which is where I spotted this beautiful shop, The Greylock Cottage at 51 Main Street...

Just look at these cottage chairs.... I love the one with the flowers!

Look what I spotted as soon as we stepped inside... Now that's my kind of birdcage and stand! It looks like it could have come straight from my Nana's house!

There were so many beautiful vintage speads - lots of chenille, fringe, ruffles, and lace....

What a sweet cannister set, just perfect for a cottage decor!

Just look at the beautiful fringed spread and crocheted pillowcase on this antique bed...

We drove around a bit more and found a junktique store which ended up being more "junk" than "tique," but I did like this little red and white kitchen display..

Yellow House Books at 252 Main St. in Great Barrington was a wonderful shop to spend some time in! The entire Main Street of Great Barrington, and the little side streets, were full of wonderful shops and eateries... I definitely want to head back there sometime...

I have a few more places to share with you in a future post... The Berkshires ... such a lovely area to spend some time exploring....



  1. Darling shops! But what I really want to know is what you ended up buying.


  2. Now that looks like a terrific way to spend some "girl time"---lucky you! Those shops are great---I hope I can get to W. Mass. some day!

  3. Oh what fun! Those shops look great! I too love the red & white kitchen display. A lot of "shops" are more junk than "tique" these days. Sometimes you can find a real treasure amongst the trash, though!
    I love reading your posts and seeing your pics. Makes me feel like I was almost there too! :)
    Have a great day!

  4. I have always wanted to visit the New England states - in Louisiana - hopefully I will make it sometime in this lifetime.
    The shops are just wonderful - can't wait to see what you brought home!!!!

  5. My brother lives in South Dartmouth, MA, so someday I'd love to stay at his house and take a weekend at drive through all these lovely MA. towns, and shop!

    Did you ever go to New Bedford? It was like walking into the Moby Dick novel! A wonderful historical place to visit.

  6. Hi Donna! Oh, what a nice time your daughter and you must have had in this little town. Love the shops - it's just great to explore and look deep into the little corners, isn't it?
    Wish I could have come along - I could have been your driver!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. oh donna I dont know how you didnt spend a fortune at the first shop- I love that birdcage1

  8. Wow what lovely shops, boy I could go nut. What a great girl time. Such a great town. I love having a girl day it is so much fun. Thank you for sharing.


  9. how wonderful that you were able to have such a fun getaway with your daughter! i love that! and those shops! wow...i just love to browse those kind of places..thanks for sharing!


  10. So what did you buy?? Surely you came away with something.


  11. Yet another awesome shop! Oh my, there would be so many things in here that I could go home with starting with that sweet rocking chair and amazing wicker chair in the front...oh, and one of those chenille bedspread. Oooh, and hey, that screen! How about that antique bed, oh, and the porcelain too...Better get me out of there now! lol

