Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rose Cottage Antiques

FUN - FUN - FUN is the only way to describe Rose Cottage Antiques at 208 Main St., Lee, Massachusetts...

Two floors of GORGEOUS vintage finds, all set in themed rooms...

Here's Amanda, looking at some of the aprons in the kitchen...

Speaking of kitchens, isn't this the sweetest cottage kitchen ever? Look at those glass cupboards! And how I would LOVE to have a window in my kitchen!!! (You heard it right... I don't have a single window in my kitchen, ladies... Was that a collective gasp I just heard over my windowless plight? I think so... a sad situation, indeed..)

This is the dining room of Rose Cottage.. Just look at that built-in hutch! As you can see, this shop is housed in a lovely older home with a sweet porch - which I forgot to take a picture of!!

Is anyone looking for silver to add to their collection? Or a tea cart perhaps?

I love doll houses... This was the kids' room on the 2nd floor of Rose Cottage...

My daughter bought a beautiful pleated vintage half slip, new with tags, from the bedroom upstairs... The original tag said $1.70!

I had to take a photo of these cherubs because they reminded me of something that Cindy (My Romantic Home) would make over and put in her beautiful home!

I was SOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to purchase these two original bird paintings... Aren't they COTTAGE spectacular?? They were $55 for the pair though, and considering I had already spent some money at Greylock Cottage, I passed on them (but for two original paintings - and such sweet ones at that - I was tempted!!!)

When we headed back to our car, look what was stacked up behind Rose Cottage Antiques... Of course I thought of Linda at Linda's Blue Gate right away! Can't you just picture the gorgeous yard conservatories she would make out of them??

Yes, if you are ever in the Lee, MA area, definitely set your GPS for Rose Cottage Antiques!!!



  1. Wow, that really looks like a neat place to shop! I sure have enjoyed all the photos!

  2. Oh, she definitely has some charming rooms, my sweet enchanted chickadee! I also found some good finds in Calif last week. I couldn't resist either!

  3. Hi Donna
    Thanks for the great suggestion for my wicker table. I think it is a pit too "chippy" for me so I will probably scrape and paint it.
    what a wonderful shop that is.
    Hope you're having a wonderful day so far.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  4. Yes, those do like like cherubs I would paint white!!! That shops look adorable!

  5. Morning, Donna! Oh, I would have loved to go to the sweet little house to have shoped with you!
    Love the little cottage itself, too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. It looks like a wonderful place; thank you for taking us along through your photos!

  7. That cabinet full of King's Crown... YUM!

    M ^..^

  8. I am so crazy!I thought I had left you a comment this morning and I posted it on my own website! I'm crazier than I thought.The kitchen is coming along nicely and I will post the pics soon. We are waiting on the cabinet person who is going to restain our cabinets and paint the walls. We also decided to tear the fir down above the cabinets and leave that open and put some larger trim on them. The meat was cooked by my husband and he is the best grill cook around if I must say so myself! Delicious ribs and sausage, steaks, and anything else we can grill. I am off to the hair salon and I'll catch you later. Since you can't knock a hole in the wall for your kitchen window I guess you will have to just hang an old window and make it look like it's a actual window!

  9. Donna ~
    That does look like a wonderful place to visit !! I love shops like that ~
    Those windows remind me of Linda too !
    fun fun !!

  10. Huh... where you say those windows are??? Massachusetts.... Texas.... Massachusetts.... Texas... I guess that might a little too much of a drive... shucks.....
    Thanks for thanking of me....
    I love doll houses also... I have 4

  11. Oh my gosh; what a beautiful shop. I wouldn't mind living there. She has such great things. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

  12. Oh, I love shopping in new stores like this one. Thank you for sharing it! What a great way to meet new friends. Thanks for taking me along! Hugs, Patti

  13. Hi Donna! What great places! I LOVE to go places like that. I love that kitchen with the cute glass paned cupboard doors. How sweet.
    If we ever make it to the east coast I will have to get a list of places from you! You go to some fabulous ones!!
    Hugs, Sherry

  14. Just took a look at all the great shops you've been busy looking at!! Wow, I wish we had that many! We have a few great ones near-by though....makes me want to go and SHOP! :) Pretty pics!!!

  15. OmGosh! What a wonderful place. That looks like the kind of place I could spend hours in...sigh*

  16. What wonderful shops! Thanks for taking us with you!

  17. I would LOVE this place and could spend hours there browsing through the shop! I looks like all the rooms have a theme. So fun!

    Wow, I do feel bad for you with no windows in your kitchen! I won't complain about how dark mine is any more because I have two in there!


  18. What an awesome place! I see so many goodies that I would have to have! Thanks for sharing it with us :)


  19. What a wonderful place to shop. SO many fantastic treasures. I would love to have all of those windows so I could build a 'glass house' in my yard - a retreat!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I love to hear from you. I'll be back soon to see what you are doing.

  20. OMG! Beautiful Treasures!
    Thank You Denise Nantasket Beach,Mass.

  21. I love the cottage in lee, I just came back from there on Sunday! I visited twice. Sat in the upstairs bedroom for quite sometime and rummaged through the drawers....
    My favorite is the kitchen and the kitchen pantry walked away w/some neat cookbooks from the 50's and potato masher--soo charming there!
    Lisa in Franklin, MA

  22. I love the cottage in lee, I just came back from there on Sunday! I visited twice. Sat in the upstairs bedroom for quite sometime and rummaged through the drawers....
    My favorite is the kitchen and the kitchen pantry walked away w/some neat cookbooks from the 50's and potato masher--soo charming there!
    Lisa in Franklin, MA
