Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Boston: Student Move-In Day

Labor Day weekend marks the return of college students to Boston, and that's where we spent Monday afternoon... getting Court settled in her dorm room and then taking a little stroll around her new neighborhood...

Not having seen her actual dorm building before today, we were thrilled to find that she'd be living in this beautiful brick Victorian townhouse in Boston's Back Bay...

Everything about the building was just perfect!

We were very organized this year and Court was unpacked in no time...

Here are she and Amanda right before we headed out to do some exploring...

This is what Courtney gets to look at while going to sleep each night... a gorgeous, huge medallion on the ceiling of her room... Nope, they definitely don't make houses the way they used to!!!

We walked down Commonwealth Ave., which I think is one of the prettiest streets in Boston...

The center of the divided street is lined with walkways, trees, and benches - great for people watching (or working on a school paper!!!)

Commonwealth Ave is lined with the most elegant homes, each with a distinctive facade and garden area... I loved the intricate front door and unusual awning in front of this home...

The gardens, wrought iron gates, and green patina of this second story bay window were spectacular!

Every house has the lushest gardens and/or window boxes...

Every wrought iron fence is a work of art in itself. Each one is a bit different... I think someday I want to try to photograph all of the different styles...

But these are all the photos I got today... The girls were anxious to get to the Boston Public Gardens and grab a bite to eat, and I was holding us up by "oohing" and "aaaahing" and taking pictures every step along the way!!

So next time, I may just take off on my own and get some great photos to share with you! I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!



  1. What a beautiful place to go to school.

    Looks like she is going to have lots and lots of fun.


  2. Wow! What a wonderful place to live while attending college...it's so beautiful! Sometmes I miss my college years...it was work but also a lot of fun.

  3. Ooh, I get first comment. Yeah!
    I wish we had beautiful towns and gorgeous old buildings like that. Over here they seem to try to modernise them. It's a shame.

  4. Hi Donna,
    I really enjoyed those photos. I have never been to the Boston area but it looks like a great place to visit. I have always wanted to visit the east coast.

    Hey, I think you need to go shabby up her dorm room a little....LOL! The ceiling medallion is beautiful.
    Thanks for the tour.


  5. What a beautiful building to live in ~ I've always wanted a brick home. It looks like you have a fun time.


  6. Hi Donna!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog because that means I got to discover yours! I am going through a bit of a transition myself with my home. Moving away from all the dark formal mahoghany furniture and painting everything in black and cream. It's a much more relaxed look once the work is done.
    I have been to Boston once and fell in love with the architecture. Her apartment has great bones.
    I'm adding you to my list so others can find you.
    Lisa & Alfie

  7. My daughter lives on Commonwealth in Brighton. It is beautiful there. Lots of beautiful old buildings and houses in the neighborhoods behind. I love to visit! She keeps telling me there are lots of throw outs on the curb that weekend that I would like to refurbish. I hope you found some!

  8. Hi Donna!
    Good luck and best wishes to Court on a new school year!

    Her new residence is stunning! I love Boston and we visit it often and ahve fun exploring the neighborhoods.

    Hugs, Pat

  9. Hi Donna!
    That is a gorgeous area! Great place for your daughter to go to school. You'll want to go visit her all the time to take photos!! Just kidding, I know it will be to see your baby girl!
    Hugs, Sherry

  10. I am laughing at how many of us thought we might be near the first comment. :)
    What unbelievable photos. We are ohhing and ahhhing along with you. WOW!

  11. Boston is so pretty! I love all the brick there...we don't have very much brick in California because of earthquakes.
