Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fun Photo Pumpkin Project!!

Try saying that 3 times fast!! (Click here if you want direction son how to create your own photo pumpkins)...

As I was going through old family photos (thinking some might make cute Halloween blog banners), I got a bright idea for a Halloween decoration… Photo Pumpkins! (I love the one of Frankenstein holding the girls up by their ponytails!! Needless to say, it's the girls that are family, not Frank:)

(click on any photos to enlarge)

So I printed out some favorites of my girls and my Halloween kitties, painted up some pumpkins, and voila!

I made them double-sided, putting photos on both the front and back of the pumpkins. On one of them I used my photo software to change the color pictures to black & white

They look nice arranged in a group, but they really take center stage when displayed alone (especially on a pedestal dish with some Spanish moss!)…

I made one for each of the girls and one for meI painted them in three of my favorite cottage colors – creamy white, soft green, and pale robin’s egg blue, but they could be done in any color.

Tomorrow I’ll share how I made mine in case any of you would like to try this project…

And don’t forget – you have until midnight tonight to enter the autumn/Halloween giveaway. Good luck to everyone who enters!

Comments update... Wow! Thank you so much for all the compliments on my photo pumpkins! I had one comment request, asking me to list the supplies today since the instructions will be posted tomorrow (good idea!!). So here are the specific supplies/brands I used (but definitely adjust to fit your needs - different sized pumpkins, different paint colors, etc.)
1) Fake pumpkins (mine were from Wal Mart: tall pumpkin 5" across/8" high; short pumpkin 7"across/5"high (I would have bought white or black pumpkins if I could have found them but had to settle for orange, which is a harder color to paint over); 2) Family photos (sized down to fit pumpkins and printed out on my HP ink jet); 3) Sealer (Delta all purpose craft sealer) You can skip this if you are not changing the background color of your pumpkin; 4) Acrylic craft paints (whatever colors you choose... I basecoated all my pumpkins Black (for distressing purposes) before painting the 'finished' colors... I used Delta Light Ivory, Delta Village Green, and My Studio Robin's Egg Blue (mixed with Light Ivory), and black for stems and decorative trim around photos; 5) Brushes (foam brush for overall painting, medium round for easily painting around stem, long liner for painting decorative trim around photos); 6) Decoupage Finish (Plaid Royal Coat); 7)Varnish (Delta Gloss Varnish); rag strips or ribbon for stems (optional)...

See you tomorrow!!



  1. What a fabulous idea! You're a creative marvel. I love these!!!

  2. Hi Donna, I just found your blog and for sure I'll be back, your pumkins are gorgeous.

  3. You never fail to amaze me! Fantastic idea! I'll be back for the details.
    Lisa & Alfie

  4. Those pumpkins are really cute! Great idea!

  5. oh wow, how did you come up with this? what a great idea, they really look good!

    I bet we'll see some lovely blogging ladies try this at's one of the best halloween ideas I've seen


  6. Donna, that is the cutest idea for adorable. You need to send that idea in to Better Homes and Garden and have your article published.


  7. That is a neat idea!! I love it and will have to try it with different pix.

  8. How clever are you! I'll be back tomorrow to get the instuctions. I'll have my pumpkins ready. Will you give us a hint as to what supplies we'll need, so we can be ready to go asap tomorrow! I can't wait...

  9. I LOVE your fabulous photo-embellished pumpkins!!!! What a terrific idea---they make my orange ones look so BORING! AND I love the use of the sivery compote to display them in---you can never go wrong with a silver compote. I think I should've put some of my dentures in one when I shared my "how to decorate with dentures hits" recently!! I must go do that right now!!!

    Have a great day! Dana



  11. This is one of the cutest ideas I've seen in awhile - love it!!!

  12. Hi Donna, I love the pumpkins and I love that you can keep them for the future. Great idea!

  13. Hi Donna!
    Your pumpkins are awesome! What a great idea!! And I love your sofa piled with fabric pumpkin pillows too! What great ideas you have!
    Hugs, Sherry

  14. Those are AWESOME! What a creative idea! I can't wait to read tomorrow's blog to see how you made them! These are keepers and something worth handing down to your kids! Great family keepsake.


  15. Those just could NOT be any cuter!!!!

    M ^..^

  16. I love this! :) I saw last year about printing them on that projecter plastic paper and then cut out a window and apply it so that you can light it from the inside. But I think over the years that would be too fragile...I like this better! My goal was to do one pumpkin for each girl, each year. When they are grown, I'll have a bunch of pumpkins, but will eventually pass them on to them when they have their own homes. Thank you! :)


  17. Very Cool Idea !

    I run a Pumpkin Pattern/Carving Site.

    And Just added a Link to this on our pumpkin carving Forum.

    Good Stuff thanks for sharing.

