Friday, November 21, 2008

The Glitter of Christmas...

Gather up some friends and/or family and have fun with this simple DIY project, creating glitter ornaments and gift tags for the holiday season!

Be sure to treat everyone to a mug of hot chocolate topped with marshmallow and a candy cane before you start! It's sure to put everyone in a festive mood!

Well, Spotty says we've lingered over hot chocolate long enough and it's now time to get to work! (Any photos can be enlarged if you want to see more detail.)

This is a great way to recycle old Christmas cards that you've received, or the few that are left in the box after you've sent your sout. (I cringe when I think of all the beautiful ones I've thrown out over the years!)

I think these two chickadees are perfect for this project.

And I think I can get two out of this beautiful card (I'm just using a small frame to see what I want to cut out). I definitely want the dad and boy decorating the tree as well as the mom and baby sitting next to the nativity set... So let's start cutting these cards!

Once you have your card designs cut out, it's time to make them fabulously sparkly! First, brush Folk Art Gems Diamonds over the entire design (this gives a subtle glitter); while wet, sprinkle Twinklets Diamond Dust over the areas where you want incredible texture and glitter (for this project, more is better in my book!). I painted this angel with Gems Diamonds, and then sprinkled a generous amount of Diamond Dust on her wings... Hold the card sideways and tap the excess Diamond Dust back into the jar (use a paper plate or lid under the jar to catch any spill over so you can easily put it back into the jar when you're done).

Then set them aside to dry. This little chickadee got full coverage of both Gems Diamonds and Diamond Dust for an all over sparkle... I love how he came out!!

I wish the camera truly captured how glittery these cards actually are...

Just imagine how these ornaments will sparkle and shine with the reflection of your Christmas tree lights!

Oh, good - they're all dry. Now it's time to punch or poke holes into the cards and attach hangers if you're planning to use them as ornaments or gift tags. My ornaments are very simple, but you could get really creative and add trims or buttons or whatever your heart desires..

Done!! Since I don't have our Christmas tree up yet, I hung them from some bare branches to show you the finished product. I hope you enjoy this fun & simple project!



cargol said...

Such a creative idea, these are so cute with all the glitter and a great way to remember the beauty of the cards from friends. Can't wait to see your holiday postings with my favorite little houses, celluloid reindeer and bottle brush trees! Just hinting!!!

tam said...

Oh I am sooo going to do this-Thank You for the inspiration!
What a darling idea!


With your glitter post you have
inspired me to use all of my
old cards. Wonderful!!!! Lovely
Idea! Thank you!

Unknown said...

These ornaments are so gorgeous, and I adore glitter. This idea is so wonderful, because cards are my favorite things, and this is a great way to use them forever. Thank you for the tutorial, and for joining the Christmas Fair. Karen

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I love making things like this with old Christmas cards. Beauitful!!!!!...m.....

w00ts up said...

Very cute!! And such a great way to use holiday cards from years past. Thanks!!!

Sometimes It's Good said...

Very pretty ornaments. I'll try this idea.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea...thank you. Yours look so nice all finished up,I'm going to have to borrow your idea. Thank You. :o) Sue

Marina Capano said...

What a creative idea!!!so beautiful!I love it!
I hope you in my post!


Anonymous said...

Now you have inspired me to dash to the basement and dig out my old cards! I also cringe at the thought of the ones I have pitched over the years--especially when we moved 3 yrs. old. I am physically ill right the minute thinking about it! Anyway, you have steered me in a new direction. I'm going to find me a bottle of that Folkart stuff and start recycling my cards!
Your table at the Fair was just super! Dana

bj said...

Oh, I am just as excited about doing this as I can be. I always save every card...i have a nice supply so I will go to the craft store for this diamond dust..
thanks so much for showing us how to do this..Now..come over to my place for another cup of cocoa and some Christmas goodies to eat...:O)

TidyMom said...

Wow now I'm sick from all the cards I've thrown out over the years too! Those are beautiful! I'll certainly be saving cards this year - maybe I can find a few old ones laying around from my "left overs boxes"


Lady of the Mote said...

this are beautiful!
thanks for the idea,I so want to try this.

Nola said...

Those are beautiful, and they look perfect hung on the simple, natural branch! I used to save all my cards for an elderly gentleman at the assisted living center who folded them into Christmas trees. When my mom died, I inherited the tree he had made for her. I will post about it and show photos one day.

Gabriela said...


Love glitter, fantastic post!

~ Gabriela ~

Deb said...

Your handcrafted ornaments from cards are gorgeous! Such a creative idea to recycle cards!

Connie said...

I saw these this morning and just gasped at how pretty they were, honey!! Just gorgeous.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Love this idea! I can't wait to go through my cards & find some birds.... I love the chickadee! How sweet would they be under a small cloche?

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Omg, Donna, That is a FAB-U-LOUS( !! ) idea! they are so stunning and such creativity!

I never save my cards and NOW im going to!! I am so thankful you did this post, I dont think i've seen a more resourceful , creative idea this year than this, and not to mention a huge wow for very little work or money! You truly are a genius in my book!

Thanks so so much! ~ Hugs ~ Cynthia

CIELO said...

Beautiful! Even "Kittie" looks so happy among all your beauties... ;)

Have a great day...


Nancy said...

These are fabulous. What a wonderful idea. Thanks so much for the little tutorial and I have to get some Diamond Dust right NOW! :)Nancy

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Donna,

What a sweet blog you have! Enjoyed spending several minutes here and will put you in my favorites! Great craft idea with old Christmas pretty!


Kathleen said...

Thank you for sharing your holiday decorating, and recycling tips with us...I just adore the litle ornaments. Kathleen

Heather said...

How cute is that!?! What a great idea!
I am having a giveaway! If you would like to participate- stop by!!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Donna, you are already listed on Mr. Linky. I am sorry for the confusion, I put the link list on Today's post for the Christmas Fair. You are number three or four on the list. Karen

Joanne Kennedy said...

This is what I was going to be making this year too. I have my stack of cards ready to go. I'm going to do a tree for my bedroom with all hand made ornaments.

Yours came out lovely! I love them.


Vee said...

Oh how lovely! Every Thanksgiving afternoon, the ladies of the family enjoy doing a craft. I think I've found ours for this year. Thanks so much!

Angie said...

Great idea for recycling those beautiful cards!

Rhondi said...

You've given me some great ideas for things to make this Christmas without spending much money. Thanks. I enjoyed my visit here very much.

Anonymous said...

Donna, my mother saved her Christmas cards for years. She used them for craft ides too. She would have loved your glitter idea. I Think they are adorable. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Hugs, Jeanne

Brenda Pruitt said...

I was out digging through my pile of tree limbs at the curb today, looking for one I could bring in and hang ornaments on myself!

Life on the Edge said...

These turned out so sweet! What a great way to use old Christmas cards! I love the sparkle on them too. It just says "Christmas!"


Kathy said...

What a delightful idea! I have a box of cards just waiting to get glittered! Now that my dolls are made, I have time to cut and sparkle. Thanks for the inspiration!

alicesg said...

Very beautiful blog and good creative ideas too. Head on to my christmas fair.

Jean Tuthill said...

I have always recycled my Christmas cards, but this is a new idea that I really like. I love how they look hanging on the tree branch. I will try that! Thanks for the great tutorial.

Anonymous said...

I'm just now gettin around again to the ones I missed..and wanted to tell you how beautiful your cards are. I just love them and the tags. You have inspired me to never throw away another card.
Have a great day and a lovely week..

FlipFlop Mom said...

ABSOLUTELY beautiful... I so adore the snowman with the dogs... !!

winnsangels said...

what a splendid time I've had visiting your holiday fair display. thanks for sharing the beautiful Christmas ornaments and how to make them. I will hope to have some moments to try this simple but glorious idea. Your blog looks so full of wonders. I can hardly wait to have a chance to visit some more.
angels be with you

Saucy said...

Since I have a massive stash of Christmas cards from years gone by I think I will surely get around to doing this... Thanks!

Lisa & Alfie said...

Hi Donna,
Happy belated Thanksgiving! I am finally getting around to everyone and absolutely loved this simple and elegant project. And thank you so much for the resources. I never knew what it was called to be able to ask for it! I just love Christmas.
Lisa & Alfie

Shirley said...

I absolutely love this idea! I always hate to throw out cards or put them away somewhere. This way you can enjoy them for years to come.

Patty said...

I love this idea! It seems so simple but I am glad for the tutorial! I especially love the 3 birds one. So pretty. Can't get enough glitter. Where did you purchase those glitters?