Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love is in the air...

Love Story #1

You've probably seen and heard updates on Sam, the koala... but just in case you haven't...

Sam is the koala who was rescued from the Australian wildfires.

(photo by Mark Parden, AP)
She made international headlines after appearing in this touching photo (sipping bottled water being offered to her by Australian firefighter David Tree).

Volunteers lovingly tend to her burned paws, and she is expected to make a full recovery.

This little chap, Bob, was also rescued from the fires and and he happens to be recuperating at the same facility as Sam.

And now it appears that love is in the air (how fitting for Valentine's week!). Bob, it seems, has fallen hard for Sam and they've become quite inseparable. He has taken on the role of Sam's protector, often sitting with his arm around her. Ain't love grand? (And is this not the sweetest photo ever? Just look at those fuzzy little ears!)

Love Story #2

(click photo to watch 2 minute video)
This story made the rounds last month, so you may have already heard about Tarra (the elephant) and Bella (the dog) who live at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. But if you haven't, you must click on the photo to watch this very short video about a very special love story!

Love comes in all shapes and sizes; love sees beauty everywhere; love does not discriminate; love is unconditional. We can learn so much about love by observing animals!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!!!



  1. That koala is just too cute! He reminds me of a big stuffed koala teddy bear! I had to laugh at that girl's dirty socks though. Can't say that mine would be cleaner after walking over my dirty floors!

    I had to laugh at myself too after reading the title "Love is in the Air" then seeing the two koalas together. At first I thought they were...well...being pretty darn loving, lol. I'm glad you said that he was just putting his arm around her. I thought he was "in position." Sorry, I guess that's how my brain works these days.


  2. Oh what a perfect post for Valentine's Day. That koala looks so adorable, and what a wonderful story about the elephant and the dog.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  3. Absolutely amazing... the dog and the elephant... oh my.

    My beloved Jazzmine is today spending her fer celestial birthday in heaven and she had this type of personality. I miss her dearly but this brought tears to my eyes. Of joy.

  4. What a perfect Valentine post.
    The koala photos are just the sweetest.

    Have a happy day


  5. What wonderful stories of love! Thank you for sharing such touching photos with us!

    Happy Valentines Day sweet Donna!


  6. AWWWW! Those koalas are just precious! Love the way Bob is holding Sam-just melted my heart to see that! And yes, I have seen the Terra and Bella video. Aren't they amazing? Just proves the old saying that "opposites attract"! Thank you for a perfect Valentine's Day post. I'm going to be thinking about Bob and Sam all day, and that thought will keep a smile on my face. Happy Valentine's Day! laurie

  7. These two stories are perfect for today. It breaks my heart that Sam, the koala suffered some burns from the fires. But, I guess the love she has found will certainly heal her injuries.

    I had never seen that video of Tarra & Bella, it was so sweet, it certainly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. I just want to hug those bears & the elephant video is so heart warming. Animals are just amazing creatures. Sue

  9. Awww bless them! That's almost made me cry!

    Mel xxx

  10. Donna, your post touched my heart today, like no other! What a heartfelt post for today! Happy Valentines Day! hugs, ~Cheryl

  11. Hi Donna,

    I stopped by from Jill's blog and what a treat to find your endearing post on "Love is in the Air". The perfect post for Valentine's Day and a beautiful story about love and caring.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  12. Isn't it heartwarming to know that people still stop and take the time to take care of all God's creatures? That photo of the koala and the firefighter made my cry the first time I saw it.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  13. When I saw the video of Sam the Koala I couldn't believe how docile she was. They were patting her and she had no fear. Being that she is a wild animal I didn't expect that. She is such a doll and those eyes are incredibly beautiful. How sweet of Bob to take her under his wing : )

    Loved the elephant/horse video too. Wonder what will happen when Bella is no longer around? How will Tara cope? Her distress was undeniable while Bella was laid up. At least for now they have one another. Great story Donna!

  14. Donna, thank you for the update on the Koala Bear. I have not had the opportunity to check on her welfare, and am so glad your post was about her today. Love is truly a precious gift. Hugs, Kathleen

  15. Hi, Donna
    I found your blog while looking through Jill's blog over at At Home In The Country. I love your blog!!! Should have know I would; Jill has such good tastes. Don't have time to go through everything this morning but I'll be back. I love the your love for the animals! I share that with you. You know, sometimes I think I like animals better than people. Just don't have enough room for very many pets. We have two dogs and recently added a kitten that just showed up one day. I'll be following your blog and I hope you'll come by to see me sometime. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥Sharon♥

  16. Happy day of romance!
    I've strolled over after seeing your kitty's profile. I adore animals. This was the PUR-fect Valentine love stories! This absolutely made my V-day complete. Thanks for sharing the stories and especially the video!

    Sweet Wishes,

    Please come by and see the confection I've whipped of for Amor!

    Sweet Valentine wishes,

  17. Thanks so much for sharing the two LOVE stories and the music is so apropos! My heart is singing...

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  18. Saw the photo on the news. How touching. Thank you for an update and photos.
    Hoping you had a wonderful Valentines day

  19. The perfect Valentine post Donna.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Oh thanks for posting this! You made my day. I did not know the update on Sam and have never seen the dog and elephant story.

    You know anything with animals and a happy ending makes me happy!


  21. How absolutely wonderful!

  22. Donna, thank you for sharing the best Valentine's post on blogspot. It is so heartwarming to see these pictures and know there was a small army of people out there rescuing the critters from the fire.

  23. Hi Donna, Thanks for posting such a loving story of Bella and Tara, it's so touching. The pics of the Koalas are beautiful, and it's amazing that they have become such good friends. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

  24. Oh, Bob and Sam! They make a cute couple! THanks for sharing this story! I'm so glad that Sam is safe and recuperating in a comfortable place. Poor thing. My heart goes out to all the poor victims of the fires...human and animal! So tragic. It makes me cry so I am grateful for something to lift my heart!

    So sweet, thank you! Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you! :)

  25. Love at it's purest! Heartwarming post.

    Happy Belated Valentine's Day.

  26. Oh Donna thank you for posting this. I needed an update. This posts just makes me want cry and hug those poor Koalas but I'm so glad they had each other. and the Elephant and dog story....sniffle, sniffle. Love it all!

  27. Oh Donna you have the sweetest animal tales...... the little koala is so adorable with her new friend ...... but that elephant and dog oh my gosh....... I have such a soft spot for elephants they are such emotionally; deep creatures and that shows it so perfectly.....I love these two stories...

  28. The koala story just melts my heart. Poor baby! We saw koalas in Australia this past fall...they are very sensitive creatures.

    I subscribe to the Elephant Sanctuary. They are one of my very favorite animals.


  29. So happy to see that sweet picture of those two koalas...and the video of the other two friends has been my fav for quite a while! Isn't it the best?
    xo Lidy
