Thursday, April 23, 2009

A dollar well spent...

UPDATE: For those who were interested in my sampler from yesterday's post, I just updated that post to include links to some really great cross-stitch sampler designs, including the LIVE TODAY one that I stitched. And wait until you see the Jane Austen one I'm thinking of ordering! Love the quotation on it!


Amanda and I had planned to visit a relative on the Cape today, but at the last minute our trip was postponed until next week...

Since we were just about on our way out the door, we headed over to Clinton to hit a few shops...

We popped into a little hospital auxiliary thrift shop (the same place I bought this cat print for my family room)....

... and I spotted these two white hobnail (jars? planters? containers? I'm so bad at coming up with words to describe certain items). The tops are scalloped; the front and back have a hobnail design while the sides have long and short bars (as seen in the photo above)...

...I thought 25 cents apiece was a pretty good price. The bottoms are embossed with the words: Oven Ware - Fire King - Made in USA, but I doubt that I'll be using them in the oven!

I also spotted this sweet little pair of floral pierced earrings priced at only 50 cents (I didn't have to think long or hard about that purchase!)...
All in all, I think it was definitely a dollar well spent!



Shaam said...

Oh yeah! Really cute!

All the best,

Joanne Kennedy said...

Why you are one lucky lady. I went to the thrift stores today in search of some milk glass and the prices were so high I couldn't believe it. I'm talking like $30 for a vase and $25 for a bowl. No where near as sweet as those two you got for only twenty five cents! WOW!

For years I never gave milk glass a 2nd look. Now that I've decided to collect it I can hardly find anything that isn't way to much money.

Love those ear rings too! Very cute and spring looking.


A New England Life said...

Morning Donna,

I hope you ladies had a good time. I look forward to hearing about the Cape! How I long to go there this summer, but it probably won't happen : /

Anyway, good for you in finding a few treasures for a dollar-fifty! Hobnail is so pretty though I don't have even one piece of it myself. Maybe one day . . .

Here comes the heat!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have some of those hob nail milk glass pots (?) also. I put some spider plants that a friend gave me in them. They sit on my bathroom window. I think you got quite the bargains. I love those earings.

Anonymous said...

Can I have your angel flower pot? Just love it!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Edie Marie's Attic said...

That's some great finds! I love to find things for pennies!!

Your cross stitch is awesome! I love samplers like that. There's so much work that goes into one of them that large. I'm so glad you hung it back up.

Hugs, Sherry

Kathi said...

You did good! Love hospital thrift stores too. Wish I could find one near me...

Tracey said...

Lucky girl.. don't you love finding treasures in unexpected places?

Brenda Kula said...

Most assuredly! So much you can do with the little white glassware. Stick a few blooms in, or some pens at the desk. Pretty all by themselves! (Oh, and I adore the cat print!)

Unknown said...

I have one of those planters I got at an antique store for $2. I thought THAT was a steal. DH got it for me for our anniversary during our "lean times". It remains one of my very favorite gifts to this very day!

Cottage Lifestyle said...

Great finds and a fabulous price. There are million things you can use those for.


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Fab finds!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Yep! I think that was definitely a dollar well spent! Great finds! laurie

Anonymous said...

Wow did you ever make out on that deal. I love the hobnail's. Anything. You can do so much with them. Use them in the bath for holders of ponytails rounds & barrettes or cotton balls. Place your combs/brushes in them. So many uses. Great finds.

J.G. said...

Chachepots? They are lovely, whatever you call them.

I am thinking this would make a fun contest: ask people to share their "best find for $1 or less."

Lisa said...

I love your treasures! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Lisa

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Love the earrings..... just lovely...

Nancy said...

Donna: I have been collecting those Fire King pots for a quarter every time I see them. If I get to it, I will use them on my mantel with plants or flowers for the summer. Love them. Great finds.