Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When pigs fly...

This little piggy went to market...

This little piggy stayed home....

This little piggy looks happy....

...under a little glass dome.

This little cast iron pig was a gift from a friend many years ago...

I thought the little guy deserved to be showcased, after years of sitting on a shelf going relatively unnoticed.

So for the time being, he has a place of honor on top of the dining room jelly cupboard...
With any luck, he'll subliminally remind me to watch what I'm putting into my mouth since he's sitting there, big as life, in the dining room.... Because after a big Easter dinner of spiral cut ham & potato salad (not to mention desserts), and then munching leftovers for the next couple of days, I had a 1 lb. weight gain this week (groan...)
(glass domed pedestal server from Target several years ago)

Wishing you all a week as beautiful as the one we're expecting here in New England!!!


Anonymous said...

I lurv lurv lurv your piggie... he's adorable!!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Joanne Kennedy said...

You are so funny! This little pig has such a cute smile on his/her face. I love it. The little piggy does deserve to have the spot light on him as he is so cute.

Glad you had a wonderful Easter.


Unknown said...

That is too cute! :)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Well isn't he a cutie! I love pigs :0)
Sounds like your Easter was a good one and that you enjoyed it.
Enjoy your week. We've got 40mile winds right now, there are palm frawns everywhere, ugh! and it's only 60 degrees! blah!
Tomorrow we'll start warming up and this weekend we'll be back in to the 80s. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I would epoxy that little piggy down on the cake plate and never move him. Looks fantastic this way. Maybe even put a single fairy light under the plate to highlight him.

He's great.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Donna; What a sweet little piggy. He sure looks very happy in his new home.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Cute post! Love your revised nursery rhyme (so clever), and your piggy looks great under the cloche! laurie

{oc cottage} said...

Too funy!

m ^..^

suzeeez said...

Very your ping under glass ! :o) Sue

J.G. said...

That smile is contagious!

Shaam said...

LOL I love your piggie poem! And the piggy under the dome is cute and funny!

All the best,

Claudia said...

I love the idea of a pig under a glass dome! Perfect. By the way, I've watched Susan's performance on Britain's Got Talent many times - I cry every time. Beautiful and uplifting!

Glenda said...

A pig under glass, sounds like an item on a menu. LOL

At least there's a smile on it's face.


Shannon (The Daily Balance) said...

such a cut lil piglet!

Love your blog and just wanted to say hi ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Donna!
I have a couple of pigasus' too! :)
I think that they are soooo whimsical! I never thought to put on on a platter! :) LOL!


Brenda Pruitt said...

Well, isn't he "enchanting" under the glass! I think he's adorable. And you've "reined" him in where he can't cause any trouble.

cargol said...

Cute piggy, but what I really like is the woman painting!

Rue said...

Good morning Donna :)

I love your little piggy! Perfect place of honor for him :)


Life on the Edge said...

You're right! He does deserve to be showcased. He has the most happy look on his little face. What a cutie!
