Sunday, April 19, 2009

May God give you...

For every storm, a rainbow...

For every tear, a smile...

For every care a promise, and a blessing in each trial...

For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share...

For every sigh a sweet song, and an answer for each prayer." (Olde Irish blessing)

Happy Sunday...


Claudia said...

What a beautiful post, Donna! Your cat is so gorgeous and the rainbow is perfect! Beautifully photographed, my friend. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Unknown said...

Very sweet! That kitty looks so comfy and cozy. I can almost "hear" her purring! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,
Wishing you a wonderful Sunday as well. Enjoy your day.


Shaam said...

KITTY! So cute :) Aren't cats precious when they sleep. That is a great little blessing. Thanks for sharing it :)

All the best,

Joanne Kennedy said...

Loved the little Irish blessing but I just ADORE your kitty! Wish I was there to get a little kitty hug in.


Kathi said...

What a sweet post with lovely photos too!

Shabby Chick said...

That's lovely Donna, I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. My daughters really liked your pictures - little one was meowing like a cat and big one was wondering how the rainbows got in!

Me lxxx

Anonymous said...

Awwww such a beautiful way to wake up. THank you for sharing this. I too love it when the sun comes in on my kitty's! They seem so peaceful. One of the moments, you know.

tam said...

Wonderful post Donna~very inspiring! Your kitty is so sweet and adorable too!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Looks so very much like my Bonnie! I love those ears!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

How in the world did you capture that? That was a lovely post. laurie

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm speechless!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Such a sweet and lovely post!


Elaine said...

Aw, that kitty is so sweet and touched by a rainbow! Lucky kitty.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit... What caught my attention was the profile picture of your kitty.

These words and the kitty was so precious.
I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. What beauty! You've got so many wonderful treasures including your pets.

I've bookmarked you my favs.
I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
Come by for a visit. The company would be nice.

Sweet wishes,

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

P.S. By the looks of your design style...I think you'll enjoy the Mothers day ideas that I've got coming up.

Sweet wishes,