Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pink shadows...

The morning sun cast beautiful pink shadows on the family room shade the other morning...

... and knowing how shadows (and rainbows) can disappear in an instant, I ran to get my camera so I could share them with you.

The shadows are being cast by this little architectural piece propped against the window (Thank goodness the view no longer looks like this January photo [although it's not out of the realm of possibility since early April snowstorms are pretty common here in New England!])

The other shadows are being cast by the diamond pane pattern of the windows...

For more posts featuring the luscious color pink, be sure to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see her Pink Saturday post and to visit all the other pink loving bloggers participating today!



Anonymous said...

That's what I call capturing a moment in time. So pretty!

Claudia said...

Love the whole idea of pink shadows, Donna! Lovely Pink Saturday post. Have a great weekend!

Joanne Kennedy said...

What beautiful photos!

I had a big smile on my face when I saw your new banner. I LOVE that shot. Though I do love the ones of your kitty too.

You really do take nice photos.


Connie said...

Catchin' ya early, honey! Those pink shadows are beautiful on the window. I have always loved your little cottage. "Enchanted cottage" is what comes to my mind when I see your home. Just darling and very cottage-y, chickee.

tam said...

Sooo interesting and very pretty! Have a fun weekend~Tam!:D

Linda said...

Lovely photography! Happy Pink Saturday,


Kathi said...

Wow. That IS pretty! Thanks for sharing these photos!

Tracy said...

How pretty! Mother Nature is pretty good at staging, isn't she?

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Beautiful Donna! You do some great photography. I'm always impressed with how your shots turn out.

Have a great weekend

Hugs, Sherry

Unknown said...

How magnificent and creative to capture pink shadows!! Happy Pink Saturday.

Chandy said...

I love that shadow!

Happy Pink Saturday!

SmilingSally said...

Only God can make pink like that! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday. Check out my book giveaways!

Come for Blue Monday.

♥Mimi♥ said...

Pink Saturday is one of those times that I indulge myself and my ♥ of the color pink. Today your blog helped to fill my pink-a-licious desire. Thanks so much!

Gorgeous post today!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I love the way you captured the shadows with your photographs. I would say that pink shadow cast on your family room shade is most unusual, love it!

Char said...

I am happy you were able to get the camera in time. That is relaxing and so pretty, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Monica said...

Love the pink shadow and your pretty room! So beautiful.

Tara said...

Very creative post. I am so envious of your diamond paned windows, I have always LOVED them, lucky you. Have a Pink filled day!

Lisa said...

WAY to find Pink! Thank you for sharing!

Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday ! X Es X

Unknown said...

Beautiful shadow! So lovely with the planter!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Such pretty pink shadows. Oh, when I think of New England, I think of picturesque villages, quaint main streets, fall leaves. But I know you guys get hammered in snow. So I hope you see spring soon in your neck of the woods.

Shaam said...

Beautiful! What a clever idea for pink Saturday!

All the best,

Light and Voices said...

I am so impressed with your Pink shadows. Have a wonderful week-end.

Nancy said...

What a clever pic and post on pink! (We did have snow today in VT.) Happy Pink Saturday!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lovely photographs. Thank you for sharing them. laurie

Elaine said...

Lovely pink shadows. And that's a cool architectural element. Yes, I am happy too that the snow has finally melted. Do you remember that April Fools Day blizzard a while back?

My ice scraper is still in the car..just in case!

HiHo said...

really lovely windows, your hotos are great!
happy pink Sunday, Heidi

Kris said...

Absolutely breathtaking.

Happy PS


Nola said...

What a great photo, it looks so magical! I love the early morning light; makes everything look special, doesn't it?