Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring... a time for nesting

I thought I'd do a little tweaking to my dining room hutch...

I got a little mini-lamp from the Christmas Tree Shop for one corner.

...because I've seen so many blogs with lovely little accent lamps on their hutches, and I love that look!

It's a perfect little accent light for at night, when a full size lamp isn't necessary (this little guy takes just a low watt chandelier bulb)...

These photos were taken during the day so you can see the lamp better.

It's surrounded by favorite family photos, two little white bird/napkin rings...

... and, of course, a nest...

...because, after all, spring really is a time for nesting... Wishing you all a happy spring week wherever you are!


Unknown said...

What an enchanting vignette you've created on you hutch with the lamp and the sweet little nest perched prettily on the crystal! So pretty!

Joanne Kennedy said...

I love it. You have such a good eye for putting things together to look so cute.

Hey, you must tell me...where did you get those darling bird napkin rings? I've got to try and find some! I think I "need" them. LOL


Shaam said...

YAY nest :) Those napkin rings are adorable!

All the best,

Shabby Chick said...

Your dresser is beautiful. Love the lamp, I think I'll have to look out for one for mine but I'm a bit wary of the children pulling the wires!!!

By the way sorry I forgot to say but thank you for the links on your post with my cushion, I had some lovely visitors :)


Anonymous said...

I used to have a small lamp in our kitchen some years ago.... I think I gave it away to my SIL and it now resides in California. After seeing this post I think perhaps I need to buy another lamp for the kitchen.. Your re-do looks very nice btw.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

Very pretty, it looks like spring! I love how the little lamp looks.

Claudia said...

I love what you've done to your hutch! So sweet and springy! And the nest is perfect. We have a little lamp like that in our kitchen. After all the day's work is done, we turn it on and it casts a lovely glow on the room. Have a great day, Donna.

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Just lovely! Thanks for sharing with us.

Lisa said...

HOw beautiful! But I love all your pics of your home! Thank you for sharing.

Husg, Lisa

Pink Slippers said...

The little lamp looks very nice there. You did a great job 'tweaking'.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Donna; Oh my your hutch is so beautiful. Love the little lamp. I have some small lamps too, I just love how they look at night when a larger one is not needed.. you have such a beautiful home... thanks for sharing it with us..


Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,

I love that lamp. I am a sucker for lamps anyway. The hutch looks very nice.


Rue said...

Hi Donna :)

Your home always looks so beautiful... warm in the winter and cool and breezy during the warmer months. I love the look of the lamp on the hutch! I think I'll have to be a copy cat ;)


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I'm late getting to this post, but it is lovely. laurie

Anonymous said...

Your hutch looks perfect for spring! I like your lamp from
the Christmas Tree Store. I love
shopping there!
