Thursday, April 9, 2009

A "spring nesting" game....

It's "spring nesting" season, and Mrs. Birdie decided to build her nest right inside our little cottage!

She flew from room to room, searching for just the right place to build her nest; and judging from the smile on her face (beak), I'd say she's quite happy with the spot she chose!

So, if you think you know where Mrs. Birdie built her nest in our house, just leave a comment on this post - but be quick! The game ends at midnight tonight, Thursday, April 9th. All correct answers will be entered into the drawing, and be as specific as you can with the exact location within the house because, for each additional (correct) detail you give, your name will be thrown into the hat again (in other words, if you guess the correct room the nest is in, that's one entry; if you guess the correct spot in the room, that's two entries; any other correct information or details you provide about the nest location gets you additional entries! You get the idea!!)...

The prize!

"Spring" means blue skies and green leaves, so this little quilted tote from The Christmas Tree Shop looked mighty "springy" to me, and I thought one of you might like it, too!

And "nesting" always makes me think of birds, so I thought one of you might enjoy a bird for your own cottage or garden (this little bird from TJ Maxx practically flew into my cart to be part of the contest!)...

Looks like Mrs. Birdie is very excited! She has already hopped into the quilted bag and tells me she's ready to head to her new home!

I'll share the nest location and winner in tomorrow's post! Happy guessing!



Joanne Kennedy said...

What a fun game! Very cute bird and nest by the way! You know I really want to win this giveaway so let me give this a shot!

I think that darling little bird flew in from your front door and while looking for the perfect place she went over by the window and made her perfect little home in a plant providing Patience with her newest hair do.


Tracey said...

Well Donna, I'm going to guess it's in your hutch in your Dining room. Maybe on one of the shelves? Not sure, but that's my guess!

Kathi said...

I'm thinking your pretty little bird has made her nest in the corner of the window sill in your kitchen. She can look outside while she covers her eggs and keep an eye on you to be sure you don't disturb her little ones. I'm sure she would enjoy gathering crumbs off the floor or sipping a drink from the dripping faucet. She would be right at home in my kitchen!

suzeeez said...

Your bird nested in your dining room on the hutch.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
What a fun game! What an adorable little birdie too! My guess is little birdie flew to the nest in the glass bowl that is on the hutch in your dining room.


Anonymous said...

Kitchen window!

Have a happy and safe Easter weekend and blessings to you and yours.

Brenda Pruitt said...

The birds are flocking to my yard in record numbers. And having little ones as well.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

We've got finches nesting in our patio right now :0). I'm guessing little birdie flew in from the dining room window and found herself a sweet little bird cage to make her nest.

Shaam said...

LOL!! I think Mrs. Birdie will nest in the dining room, on your tablescape. :)

All the best,

Lisa said...

Oh I think the birdie flew in and is nesting in the corner on the vanity in your guest bathroom! I can't wait to find out!
Hugs, Lisa

Heather said...

She is on a quilt lined shelf in your hutch ~The one from your Dec 23 post.

Jean Tuthill said...

I think she is in patience's hair, in the living room. She is so cute. Love it!

Elaine said...

In your third birdie picture I see a bit of a dark color so I'd have to say the birdie made a nest in the window of your family room. I think the sides of the window have dark trim in that room. I think you also have a birdcage in that room so I am sure the birdie is drawn to that room.

Nola said...

I'm too late for the contest, but I'm guessing in the chandelier, anyway! Hope you and yours have a happy and safe Easter!

Stephanie said...

That was fun!!! Love the pretty tote, perfect for Spring!!

Happy Easter!