Monday, August 17, 2009

They're not your mother's readers...

Witchy Woman (from last fall) and Wintry Woman (from last winter) transformed into Winsome Woman for the spring and summer months, complete with a pink straw hat and vintage scarf!

WW asked if she could model a pair of my reading glasses for you (she thought this pair was a good match for her outfit!)...

It appears that all those elephant ears from Rockport didn't affect my weigh-in this week as I was down 4 pounds! Woo hoo!!! And I couldn't do it without my reading glasses!

There's no way I could read nutrition labels or calculate points without these babies! At my eye exam earlier this year, I asked my doctor if I needed prescription glasses or if I could continue with my array of (cheap) readers. She told me the cheap readers would be fine and I was using the perfect strength for my eyes.

Good news because I've actually got quite a collection of inexpensive readers (some from The Christmas Tree Shop, some from Michael's or AC Moore). I found the blue pair above this summer and I love them - they remind me of Claudia's pretty blue glasses! Tomorrow I'll show you where I store them!

Stay cool whereever you are - it's HOT HOT HOT in the Northeast, but worse than the heat is the HIGH HUMIDITY!!!



  1. Curse this humidity! Don't you just hate it? Love your readers - you know that is what mine are. Just readers. I am so cheap that I don't want to spend money on expensive glasses if these are doing the trick. (This is the same behavior I used to tease my Aunt doesn't fall very far from the tree, does it?) Thanks for the mention of my glasses! They don't make that blue design anymore so I get panicked at the thought of losing them. Silly.

    Stay cool.

  2. Humidity BE GONE I tell you... BE GONE... But it looks at me, covers it's ears and says, "La lal la la... I Can't Hear You!"



  3. Well first of all...CONGRATS on that 4lb loss! Way to go!

    Those glasses are to cute! I wish I could buy those. I have prescription glasses but those readers are always so cute and since they don't cost an arm and a leg you can buy several to fit your mood.

    Oh dear one, can you please get rid of the humid weather before I come. Also, I'm sure the bride won't want that for her wedding eiher.

    I hear I should expect rain while I'm on the East Coast. What is that all about? I thought it was summer and hot.

    Big hugs,

  4. The glasses are great! I have a couple pair of cool ones, but not this cute...I'm now on the hunt! Sorry about the humidity...that's why we stay in California...the weather is about the only thing it has going for it these days. Stay in, stay cool!

