Friday, August 31, 2012

A gift from my father...

Back in the 1960's, my dad started a small trucking company. The file cabinets in his home office are still packed with paperwork from the decades he built, and owned, that business.

It's been just over a year since my dad passed. I think I'm still coming to terms with him being gone because it's taken me this long to start sorting through some of his things. Last week I opened one of the file cabinet drawers and sitting atop a stack of papers was this small oval box wrapped in a rubber band.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I opened the box and found my dad's gold wedding band! You see, my dad hadn't worn his ring since the 1950's when he witnessed a coworker's wedding ring get caught while jumping down from a truck, resulting in a very bad injury. So finding this treasure was such a gift!

But there was also a mystery. In addition to his gold wedding band, there was an inexpensive, lightweight silver ring inside the box!

Had my dad given this inexpensive ring to my mom before buying her a diamond? I know they had no money whatsoever back in those days, so that certainly seems plausible. Or did my dad try wearing this inexpensive break-away ring after witnessing that workplace accident so long ago? With both mom and dad both gone, there's no way of knowing the sentiment behind this ring, but I know there is some significance for it to have been inside the same little tin box as his wedding ring.

So the silver ring was put back into the little tin box. It will be placed in a prominent spot in my office/studio so I'll never forget the magical moment I found it. And as for my dad's ring, I'm now wearing that next to my ring finger.

I had been wearing my mom's rings as well, but a jeweler confirmed what I suspected, that the diamond is very loose, so I won't be wearing it again until I have some extra money to get the ring/prongs repaired.

My dad's ring is inscribed with his and my mom's initials, the date they got married, and the word Love...

I still can't get over how easy it was to find something I wasn't even looking for... Truly a gift from my father.

I treasure both my mom's and dad's rings and I'm so happy to be able to share them with you today! They are most certainly a favorite thing!

Thank you, Claudia, for hosting A Favorite Thing Saturday" at Mockingbird Hill Cottage! Be sure to pop over and visit Claudia's blog and share your own favorite thing in her first party! "Favorite Thing Saturday" will be a weekly event and she will have the party link up post up and running this evening around 8 PM EST.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



  1. What a wonderful surprise to find your father's ring! I hope that happy memories (and maybe more unexpected items) help you focus on the love you felt from your father more than the grief that he's no longer with you.

  2. What a wonderful favorite thing you are sharing; your dad's ring, the mystery silver ring, and your mom's ring.

  3. This is such a wonderful story! I just recently completed going through my Dad's briefcase and it was both sad and happy at the same time...the things that were in it smelled just like him ;)

  4. It is so exciting when you get whispers from heaven! What a beautiful story! And now you have a treasured keepsake of your Dad's.

  5. What a wonderful thing to find that ring - I know you'll always treasure their rings, they are beautiful! Hugs ~ Mary

  6. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful memory with your discovery of you Dad's wedding ring. I especially like your photo of the rings on the bird head with the pictures of your parents.


  7. What a beautiful story about the ring. Your photos are so pretty.

  8. Donna what a wonderful surprise to find you Dad's wedding ring! Love that you are wearing it! Hugs, Linda

  9. Hi Donna, Let me start off by thanking you for your sweet comment on my blog. I am so sorry about your Dad. Dad's are so important to a daughter aren't they? I think the second ring was probably something he wore at work. It makes total sense that it would be adjustable. He didn't want to go without a ring so that silver ring was a good substitute. What a incredible find...makes me think that he wanted you to find it so that it could be joined with your Mom's ring.
    Blessings, Joanne

  10. Fantastic! And you found it exactly when you need to. I have my father's wedding on my finger and it has been there for so long that it is stuck there forever!
    His name and my mom's name are engraved inside but unless I lose a bit of weight no one will ever see it.
    Oh, well.

  11. Dear Donna,

    This story brings tears to my eyes. I know how much you miss your parents and finding this ring was not by chance. It was meant to be.

    I think it was a message from your dad. Now that, in the true definition of the word, is awesome.

    Thank you so much for joining in on my party!


  12. Aww...Donna! What a wonderful treat for you finding your Dad's ring! What a handsome couple your parents were! I'm blessed to still have my mother and she's 89 but my Daddy went to be with Jesus in 1997 so I know how hard it can be.
    Sending you hugs,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Awwwwww, that was a nice post, Donna.

    So glad to hear your Dad sent that special gift your way. That' great you are wearing the wedding ring.

    Hope you can eventually get your Mom's tightened, too.

    Their spirits will be with you forever on this earth. Susan

  14. É uma história muito comovente! Com certeza foi um presente de seu pai para você e aqueceu seu coração.

  15. what a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it. Now you have a new way to keep your Dad close to you. I lost my parents and because of their locations I had to sort through their stuff in 6 weeks. It was hard.

  16. Oh, wow! What a treasure. I love the history of old things, especially if it's personal history. The way you have the vignette arranged is so charming. Your parents were handsome people.

    I'm popping in from Claudia's party.

  17. Oh what a treasure to find! Nothing could be more special. Love that last photo of the rings on the bird's head like a crown. And how wonderful for Claudia to give a platform for sharing your favorite thing.

  18. How wonderful! What a lovely story and such a precious find. I'm visiting from the A Favorite Thing party; pop by The Art of Living Beautifully if you get a chance.

  19. I was quite enthralled with your story and love the vignette of your parents and the rings! After our parents are gone we realize that we didn't know every single, little thing about them. Maybe, a little mystery is a good thing! ~ Maureen

  20. Oh my gosh, your post really tugged at my heart. I lost my daddy in March 2011. (I lost my mom in 1996) My father was still working at 92 years old, not only was there current business paperwork but also paperwork (and personal items) going back to the 1940's in my parents house. It's been quite a journey, which I'm still very much on.

    What treasure you found! Wishing you comfort in your sweet memories.

  21. What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing your memories of your dad. My dad also has been gone one year, I miss him too. The ring is such a treasure to have from him.


  22. You're so lucky to have those precious items, Donna. Thank you for showing them to us and sharing their history.

  23. Hello..I came over from Terra's Garden after seeing your comment on your dad's wedding marks the 10 month anniversary of my dad's is so hard isn't it when we loved them so much. I take your comment as a sign from my dad..Wishing you peace and joy in your honoring of your dad...we will be alright in a little bit.
