Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby's window to the world...

It seems like it's been so long since we've enjoyed having our windows and doors open. The hot, humid weather has finally given way to more moderate temperatures.

There's someone else who's enjoying the cooler weather. Baby now has the added bonus of another door to look through. And unlike the slider at the back of the house (where Baby watches squirrels, chipmunks, and birds), the front door allows her to watch cars driving by, kids riding bikes, people walking their dogs, and the occasional neighbor's cat who wanders up the walkway.

I hope we have a long stretch of not too hot, not too cold "open window & door" weather because all too soon we'll be closing everything up and firing up the old furnace! After all, this is New England.

I'm linking up to Cindy's (My Romantic Home) Show & Tell Friday this week.



  1. With Baby entertained by the outside world, there's less of a chance for her usual mischief in the house, LOL. I envy your cooler weather right now!

  2. Darling Baby. Love her. Oh Donna, I LOVE weather. Susan

  3. Ohh, Baby! So glad she's enjoying your cooler weather...we had a wonderful spell a couple of weeks ago (knew it wouldn't last!) then the temps went soaring again...we are supposed to have some much needed rain from Isaac tomorrow, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for some blessed rain, as well as maybe a bit cooler weather (I just hate it that it has to come from a storm that has caused destruction for others...)
