Friday, August 24, 2012

The uninvited...

So hubby and I were pulling down sections of stockade fence as we/he works our/his way around the yard.

Thank goodness we were paying attention and avoided what could have been a very painful encounter with some uninvited guests...

Because just before reaching our bare hands under this particular panel, we noticed some yellow jackets buzzing around us.

And sure enough, they were busy, busy, busy building a home underneath one of the panels.
(The white arrow in the first photo points to their very camouflaged nest. We really were VERY lucky to have found it before reaching our hands underneath).

 Anyhow, we let our little visitors know, in no uncertain terms, that they would need to relocate - pronto!
All is back on schedule now...

Happy weekend, everyone... Donna


  1. Oh man, Donna. That was a CLOSE CALL. Thank goodness you saw that hive before your hand became a snack for those busy bees. YIKES. Susan

  2. ooh that was close!
    Glad it was spotted. Great photos too!
    Love Leanne

  3. oh my! you don't want to be stung by them......good luck with the new fencing

  4. Wow! We have been fighting with Yellow Jackets for 3 weeks. We were taking out old bushes and my husband found a nest in the ground and was attacked twice in one day. And then again the next weekend. We still have not finished the landscaping. Ugh!
