Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hello, old friend....

There are certain relationships that, no matter how much time has passed since you've seen each other, you pick up right where you left off...

And so it is for Chip and I.

 After all, when you work from home you tend to take your breaks and lunches with the backyard critters
(at least during the spring and summer months!)...

... so Chip and I go way back.

But today was the first time this season that we've actually had the time to sit down and chat.

As we do every year, Chip and I looked out over the back yard and I shared some of my upcoming "garden-in-the-making" plans with him. 

And as always, Chip is very supportive of my vision and plans...

(So long as peanuts regularly appear on the lunch menu!)

Our lunch break flew by and then it was time for me to get back to work. Chip took one last peanut for the road and we made plans to get together again in a few days.

Wishing all of you warm spring breezes and good times with old friends....



  1. Good Morning, This was a lovely post, we too, enjoy feeding our outdoor critters, they are so much fun. I can not believe that I haven't run across your blog at an earlier date, because we have many mutual followers. I have been going through many of your posts and I'm hooked and have just become your newest follower #642.
    Pease accept my invitation to visit my blog and if you should decide to follow me back, I would be honored.
    Have a lovely day.
    Your new blogging sister, Connie :)
    At the present time my husband and I are restoring an old wooden sailboat; we named her Gypsy Rose and she is a little beauty.

  2. Oh wow, Chip - I remember him! That is so cute how he gets so close. I tried using peanuts to lure the chipmunks around here, but mine are shy. ;-)

  3. Hi Donna. I remember Chip, too. Looks like you two are in for a long, happy summer together. So cute. Better than the Sammy Squirrels I have running around our yard. They are nuisances. Susan

  4. Hi I saw your post at Cindy's. The chipmunk got my attention!! Those little guys are so very cute and you are so lucky to have befriended one of them. How cute! Thanks for sharing that and have a great weekend!

  5. So cute! I'd say Chip is a fine listener!

  6. It has been a long time since I saw a wild chipmunk. I had forgotten about them. I wonder where they have gotten to? Enjoyed your post about them.

    Greg and his cats
    PS: maybe the cats have something to do with it?

  7. Oh my goodness ... he's just the cutest little guy! What a precious friend! :)

  8. You and Chip. I love this post, my friend. You have a love for all animals that shines through every one of your posts. Say hello to Chip for me and give him a hug!


  9. What an adorable post! Chip looks so cute in the basket of peanuts. I would love to have a friendship with a "Chip", but Bentley would never permit it lol.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. Lucky you to have a garden companion that listens. Charming post.

  11. **squeals** How delightful! Blog hopped over from That Old House. You are quite delightful! Love your sense of humor.

    **happy smiles**

  12. Your little chipmunk is adorable. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Chip is too cute. I am sure he is excited to see you after a long Winter. Wonder where he has been hiding?

  14. Fairly tame chipmunks when i was a kid growing up in the country but none around my house so far..still I just love how you have tamed your chipmunks and squirrels!:) A few days ago I had a squirrel comfortable enough to stay on the porch with me while i took a few photos..getting somewhere :)

  15. Well, hello Chip! I fondly remember the photos of your Dad feeding Chip. Such tenderness...

    I vote for Chip to be your official blog greeter! Marty agrees, LOL.
