Monday, May 6, 2013

Our pink flowering hoppa crab trees are in full bloom!

Glorious spring has arrived in New England!

 I look forward to this view outside our living room window each May...

 ... because that's when our gorgeous pink flowering hoppa crab trees start blooming.

It's hard to believe that when we planted these back in the early 80's, we brought both of them home from the garden center in the back seat of my VW bug convertible with the top down... That's how SMALL they were!

 Here's the second hoppa crab, on the other side of the driveway. (And it won't be long before the clematis on the light post will be in bloom as well! Another thing to look forward to!)

The Adirondack chairs are in place...

The birdbaths have been filled...

...and placed in a variety of spots around the yard...

... and the birdhouses are move-in ready.

The view from the family room sliders in the back yard is equally beautiful right now as our flowering cherry tree is also in bloom! As you can see from the pots in the foreground, we made a quick trip to the garden center today to pick up a few Major Wheeler Honeysuckle vines to plant at the front posts of the swingset deck. Oh, gosh, I'm so looking forward to a spring and summer full of blooms in our little yard this year!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!



  1. How utterly beautiful! I would so look forward to this wonderful view myself! I love your bleeding hearts too! It's all simply gorgeous!

  2. Everything looks just beautiful!

  3. So breathtaking and beautiful. My magnolia is inn full bloom so I know how you feel. It came home a little over a decade ago lying in the backseat of my Saturn. J

  4. Wow, so big and full of beautiful blooms. I love the trunk of the yard tree photo. Solid and sturdy, obviously very happy where you planted them. And they show the love they are given. Patty/BC

  5. Lovely view and I love those trees. Everything is blooming here too and I am enjoying it and the views from my window too.

    I think we might actually have a Spring season ths year. We so deserve it after a tough Winter.

  6. Gorgeous flowering trees, Donna. Don't you just love the fragrance of the apple blossoms? I LOVE the month of May. Susan
