Thursday, May 2, 2013

Whitewashing the birdhouse...

 Our poor old birdhouse really needed some freshening up.

 It was inexpensive to start with, and has fallen apart over the years, but I love the shape of it and am willing to glue, screw, and repaint to keep it going for many more years!

This is what it looked like last spring after a very rough winter where high winds had blown it off its post. Hubby spent a lot of time putting the pieces back together again.

Hubby built a new, strong base for it so it wouldn't blow off anymore. But, boy oh boy, did it need a new paint job.

To be honest, I actually like the rustic, weathered look.

But I also want the wood to last a l-o-n-g time...

... so I got out my white paint and gave it a fresh coat of paint..

Hopefully that will keep the wood from rotting any more than it already has. Don't you just love all our landscape fabric? We desperately need more plants and more bark mulch back here. Hopefully soon.

These photos were taken just last Thursday.

Look at the difference in our flowering cherry tree, just 7 days later!

It won't be long before the salvia at the base of the birdhouse is blooming and the vinca vines are once again cascading out the birdhouse windows. I can't wait!

And take look at the difference in our honeysuckle vine. Again, the photo on the left was taken one week ago, and the photo on the right was taken today. It is getting soooo green and there are buds galore. I've decided to plant two more honeysuckle vines to climb the front posts of the swingset.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We're looking forward to more beautiful weather. We're on a roll here in New England!



  1. Hi Donna...Love the whitewashed birdie house. Great job!

    Hasn't it been gorgeous! Love it when it's like this. Susan

  2. Wow! Spring has come your way! I agree about the bird house. It looks great a bit rustic but not so good for the wood!

  3. oh my goodness - I have one that fell apart recently too! I didn't think about taking it apart and starting over with the pieces - would love to have you come over and share this post w/us at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! xoxo

  4. That is a very nice bird house, and it looks even better refurbished. A new area with beauty bark and statues--I like it--the less grass there is to mow, the better!

  5. That bird house is so cute--we are always putting ours back together too. Ours aren't as cute as yours though!

  6. Donna , just lovely...

    That beautiful white house reminds me of the martin houses that my grandfather built back in the day...
