Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Vintage (ever growing) Night Before Christmas Book Collection

Every year, without fail, I come across copies of The Night Before Christmas while searching second-hand stores for vintage goodies for our Etsy shop.
And every year, without fail, I cannot resist purchasing several I don't already have for my own ever-growing collection, started when my girls were babies (they're now in their 20's). These three books are this year's additions. Let me share the illustrations in case a certain edition 'speaks to you' and you want to track one down for yourself!

This first one is illustrated by Ruth Sanderson, an amazing artist!
(It's the large center book in the top photo)

It's not a very old book, with a relatively new copyright date of 1997.
There's an incredible amount of detail in the illustrations...
... and the colors are so beautiful.
There is so much for your children to be looking at while you're reading the story.
I can't say enough about this edition and was so happy to come across it!
The next edition (the copy on the left in the top photo) is a little bit older, copyright 1986, with old fashioned illustrations by TIEN.

The illustrations are whimsical and will delight children!
(Love that comforther Mama and Papa are snuggled under!)
Again, I think any child would love looking at the pictures in this book as they follow along with the story!
The third book I purchased this year (on the right side of the top photo) is a (c) 1984 edition with lovely illustrations by Anita Lobel.
One of the things I love about this edition is that it takes place in the city, whereas most versions take place in the country.
Again, there is a lot of detail in the illustrations...
... and they are just beautiful!
So those are the three copies I added to my vast collection this year. But if you'd like to see sample illustrations of even more copies of this classic, to see if there's a copy that you're really drawn to, just click on the links below to my previous Night Before Christmas posts:

Many of the copies I own are available on Etsy right now!
Here's a link to the hundreds of vintage Night Before Christmas books you'll find there:

The Night Before Christmas Books on Etsy
I hope you find a copy that speaks to you!
This week I'm joining
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday
Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Thing Saturday.
Be sure to visit and share something of your own!


  1. I love your collection. I only have a couple of versions but every time I see them I'm tempted to buy another one. Why not! You have now encouraged another collection! Love it!

    hugs, Linda

  2. I dearly love your Night Before Christmas collection. I have several of them, too. xo Diana

  3. Morning Donna, You have a wonderful collection of books. I have one that was my Beloved's as a child and I use it every year in my Christmas decoration. The illustrations are not as detailed as yours but just the same it is a treasure. Gotta post pisc of my home for the holidays. . .soon. Wishing you a Happy Christmas my friend.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  4. What a great idea. I remember you posted abut your collection last Christmas, too. Love that idea. The middle book, espcially, is just beautiful.

    And now, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good" Thursday! Susan

  5. Those are great! I remember a couple of them so I must have owned them at one time, and perhaps still have them somewhere.

  6. How fun! What a great item to collection.

  7. Your collection is AMAZING! I received your girt in the mail a couple of days ago but it has taken me this long to get to it. Thank you so much. I am getting ready to head to California for Christmas - not a planned trip so been busy trying to get everything done before I go.

    Thanks again.

  8. Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas book. I will treasure it.
