Monday, December 3, 2012

The Shop Cat

I think everybody decided to shop on-line this past weekend. We've never had so many sales in our Etsy shop in such a short period of time! 
Thank goodness we have a top notch Quality Control inspector...
... who looks over every order to make sure things are packaged up just right!
Oops! Looks like a 'This Side Up' box slipped by us, Baby!
After everything's packed, it's time to check out the oversized bags to make sure they're strong enough to tote all the boxes.
One last look-see to make sure we didn't miss anything and then it was off to the post office to mail everything!  (Today was in the high 50's so it was a lovely day to run errands!!!).
Baby also wants me to tell everyone that we're going to be offering a copy of "The Night Before Christmas" in our next post, so be sure to stop back to enter!

I'm joining Cindy, My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday this week.
Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Glad to hear sales picked up on Etsy, Donna. Wish I could say the same on eBay. It's either feast or famine.
    You have been a busy little bee! Take care. Susan

  2. It's a good thing you have that fella to keep the shipping department in order! Congratulations of being so busy!

  3. Nice to hear that you Etsy shop is doing well. Mine has been really slow but then I took off for 9 days for a cruise.

  4. I hope Baby doesn't charge much for her services.

  5. Congrats on your great sales, love your helper!

  6. We have an inspector who just moved in and is checking out all the Christmas decorations. This morning I found him checking out all the teddy bears under our tin Christmas tree.

    Merry Christmas

  7. Good for you with terrific sales! Wow! It is a nice Christmas feeling. I prefer to shop small owners and do what I can! Your quality control kitty is beautiful! DO you pay well? LOL!
    I miss my Boots boy and I often think I should try to find a new kitty. Never to be replaced but perhaps just loved too!
    Love your blog!

  8. Congrats on all the Etsy sales! I have toyed with the idea of opening a shop myself.

    Baby is a perfect QC inspector, I think she has the nose for it!

    And someone has been shopping at Ikea I see. Love that store!
