Friday, December 7, 2012

'The Night Before Christmas' Giveaway Contest

It's Christmas giveaway time!

I have a beautiful hardback 1997 reprint of this (c)1949 edition of
The Night Before Christmas illustrated by Leonard Weisgard.
Leonard Weisgard version, so when I spotted one just like mine I picked it up,
knowing that one of you might enjoy it as well!
(I absolutely LOVE this story and have quite a collection by a variety of different artists)
As you can see, Baby really likes this story!
This copy is filled with bright, colorful illustrations!

A tole tray on the mantel, stockings hung by the chimney with care, and pine boughs in a creamy white pitcher - my kid of decorating! And who doesn't love a house where the kitty is curled up by the fire and the family dog is allowed to get comfy on the furniture (in this case an awesome red wing chair!).

Doesn't the kitty from the book look just like our sweet Tiger?

I wouldn't mind having the wallpaper from the children's room in my own house,
and those carved beds look like they could have come straight out of a fairytale!
And while the children were nestled all snug in their beds, just look who landed on their roof!

If you'd like a chance to win this book, just leave a comment on this post before midnight on Monday, 12/10/12. On Tuesday, I'll personally notify the winner as well as announce who won here on my blog. If you don't have a blog, please leave your email address so I can contact you!
I'm joining Claudia's Favorite Thing Saturday this week over at Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Be sure to visit her lovely blog to see what everyone is sharing this week!

See you on Tuesday! Good luck and have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. What a beautiful book and how kind of you to gift it to some lucky person!

  2. Good morning Donna, Those are precious pictures of your kitties. I know Santa will be good to them this year.
    I so remember the days when I read "The Night Before Christmas" to my son and daughter.. Those were the days !
    Have a beautiful day and a magical Christmas.

  3. So sweet! I love the pictures of your little furry children. They surely enjoyed every page.

  4. Hi Donna! What a sweet, sweet rendition of The Night Before Christmas.

    Please put my name in the hat. Since I'll be the first in, please reach WAYYYYY down when you go to pick the winner. (ha ha haha)

    Yes, the kitty in the book does, indeed look like your kitty. So sweet. Susan

  5. Hi,

    I would love a chance to win!

    By the way, I love your blog and your cats! I have 3 cats and one is named Baby too!

  6. Hi,

    I would love a chance to win this fabulous book!

    By the way, I love your blog and your cats. I have 3 cats and one is named Baby too!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Gina Peake

  7. Hi,

    I would love a chance to win!

    By the way, I love your blog and your cats. I have 3 cats and one is named Baby too!

    Gina Peake

  8. I had this version when I was a child. It's wonderful!

  9. Sorry for posting so many time :( Didn't mean to do that.

    Gina Peake

  10. Yes, I would love the book and yes your Tiger looks like the kitty in the book. Amazing!

  11. Hi Donna! I just love reading your blogs. I would love to have my name in the drawing.
    Heidi Colton

  12. Love the book-- love old children's Christmas books. The illustrations are always wonderful!

  13. I love the book's illustrations and especially enjoyed your sweet kitty.

  14. What an absolutely beautiful giveaway! thank you for sharing.

  15. You have the best collection of Christmas books, my friend. I love the illustrations on this one.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!

    Do you read this book to Baby?


  16. You have the best collection of Christmas books, my friend. I love the illustrations on this one.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!

    Do you read this book to Baby?


  17. I adore those old illustrations. So cute! Pick me!!! I'll give the book a good home!

  18. I love vintage books. Your Night Before Christmas is very cute. I'm sure your collection is great too. I still have my copy from when I was a kid and I put it out each year.

  19. The book is amazing! I have been on the lookout for more Christmas books to add to our collection. I have been reading one or two to the kids each night at bedtime. They love these vintage books the best...and so do I! What a fabulous giveaway!

  20. What a lovely book! The illustrations make me smile. What a fun book to read to my Grandson!

    hugs, Linda

  21. this book is beautiful. My students would enjoy reading the rymes. :-)

  22. Oh this is a beautiful copy! Like you, I have several but not this one! My grandboy Jayden would love this book! I am new following you! Came over for a different reason too. Saw the photo of Riley you painted for Claudia. I lost my precious cat Boots, March 16 2012. Trying to find someone who make a memory portrait for me. Another artist friend knew someone on etsy but by the time I could afford it he was gone! :( So I have to keep in touch with you for when I can budget it in after the Christmas holidays. You portrait of her Riley was beautiful. You are very talented. I had to come over and tell you! Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway too! I guess I was meant to stop by. Thank you Donna. Hugs Anne

  23. I saw the painting you created for Claudia.
    What a blessing that was for her and Don! have a blessed week.

  24. I have a beautiful cat with long white hair with gray spots. She actually has a face similar to your cat. The crazy thing is, her name is "Baby" also. She is a great cat that seems to only tolerate us living in her home!
    We have 4 children. We have 4 grandchildren that live near us. Unfortunately, there are 3 other grandchildren in 2 different states and all directions of us.
    I used to read this wonderful story to my children all Christmas holiday because my kids could never get enough of it. I eventually just quoted the book while the kids looked at the pictures. I would love to read this beautiful book to my grandchildren and pass it on to them when I am gone. Hopefully that will be many, many years from now.

  25. I have many renditions of the Night Before Christmas, but not that one. What a wonderful giveaway to a lucky winner!

    By the way, the tray that you sent to Claudia and Don at MHC is just gorgeous!!!

    If you do decide to meet up with each other and would like another Donna from MA to tag along, let me know as I would love to meet both of you!

    Merry Christmas!


  26. Hi Donna, I am new to your blog-here because of the precious piece of art you did for Claudia. What an amazing gift of love and friendship. That was such a wonderful thing to do. I am not signing up for your giveaway because I already won several this year...I will pass my luck along to someone else. Blessings to you and I am your newest follower~ xo Diana

  27. Donna please include me in your give away - i LOVE the Night Before Christmas! My absolute fav for the season!

  28. I adore this book! Would love love love a chance to win it!

  29. Your cats are very pretty! And posable too. x
