Thursday, February 5, 2015

Baby, Blizzards, and Bluebirds...

Massachusetts has seen more than its fair share of snow these past few weeks,
with yet another 12" or so due on Monday.

Even Baby doesn't know what to make of it.

In other news, the bluebirds are daily visitors...

... with the main draw being both the meal worms...

... and the heated birdbath.

(yes, the heated birdbath really is there, mid-blizzard, with enough of a warm water oasis 
that the birds were able to drink to their hearts' content).

I love these 'in-flight' photos.

It seems like someone is always coming or going.

And I've found the bluebirds to be very curious...

...  and not the least bit fearful when they see me in the window.

As a matter of fact, when I sprinkle the meal worm on the screen feeder
and do my little clucking sound for them,

... they start landing on the feeder before I've even completely shut the window.

 Their second favorite food source is suet. You can see a bluebird perched on the
 shepherd's hook that one of our suet baskets hang from.

The cardinals, not nearly as trusting as the bluebirds, are very wary of me in the window, so capturing this handsome fellow on the feeder with one of the bluebirds was quite a treat. Until last year, I'd never even seen a bluebird, and now we are graced with flocks of them visiting the feeders of the house we've lived in for over 33 years! 

They certainly add to the view outside our dining room window!

I'll be joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday this week.

Till next time, stay safe and warm, everyone!
