Monday, May 4, 2009

3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway...

It's that time of year again!!!

(click any photos to enlarge)

The lovely Kim of The Twice Remembered Cottage (One Woman's Cottage Life) is hosting the 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway!!! (Thank you, Kim!)

This year I'm opening up my giveaway to both U.S. and International entries....

...and I thought it would be fun to offer a kitchen themed giveaway....

... so I headed to one of my favorite places (all giveaway items are from The Christmas Tree Shop) and put together the following items.... a pair of green toile oven mitts, a set of heart-shaped measuring spoons, and an appliqued 'hydrangea' dishtowel...

... all tucked into this little quilted tote.

You'll also get one of the aprons you saw hanging in the first photos....

Here you can see the style of all 3 aprons (my Amanda is modeling the light blue floral one).

But you get to choose whether you want:

The green toile apron....

The light blue floral apron...

Or the dark blue floral apron.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post and I'll draw the winner on May 30th... Good luck to everyone who enters!!!!

Now, be sure to click the logo below to go to Kim's lovely blog where you'll find a list of everyone participating in this year's Cottage Charm Giveaway (and if it's anything like last year's giveaway, you'll be blown away by all the incredible goodies being offered!!!) And while you're there, be sure to check out all the incredibily realistic sweets and treats that Kim creates!

Good luck, everyone!!! And thank you again, Kim!



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Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your lovely giveaway.
Thank you!
Tina Kay

zees5 said...

Perfect! I need that and the colors match my kitchen perfectly. What a nice giveaway.

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

Hugs :)


Vintage Sandy said...

What a great giveaway love the aprons can never have 2 many of them please enter me!!

Unknown said...

Oh I love the green toile! And my 4 1/2 year old daughter is just showing an interest in helping me cook. We just bought her first apron. She would adore the heart shaped measuring spoons! :) jereca74 at g mail dot com

Jennifer said...

This giveaway is just fabulous! Thanks so much for the opportunity ... the green toile is the one for me LOL!

Peggy said...

count me it!

Peggy said...

count me it!

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Don't you just love the Christmas Tree Shoppe!!! I would love to be entered to win. I love everything.

hugs, Ellen

cherry said...

OHHH gorgeous the toile...I joined the give-away as well. cherry

carolynishis said...

WOW! How precious are these goodies.Please Please enter me.I follow your blog as carolynishis.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely giveaway. Thanks for participating. If I win I would love the green toile apron. Debbi

Sandy Shirley said...

Would love to win your giveaway!

Stephanie said...

What a great giveaway.

Please enter me in your drawing.



Neverfinished said...

OH my goodness! What a wonderful giveaway..enter me please!!!

Tammigirl said...

What a beautiful bunch of goodies! It seems I stumbled upon this group at a hopeful time. You have so many very lovely things.

Christine said...

Lovely items!!! Light blue floral for me. I hope you got a chance to check out my giveaway!


Debra said...

Please count me in to win your pretty green apron. I like your blog and your pets. I enjoy mine, their spoiled!

You can go to my blog and enter to win my giveaway if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Good work.


Deb611 said...

What a wonderful give away! I love the light blue apron. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! What a great theme...all the aprons are amazing!
Thanks for a chance to win.

Arlene said...

Please enter me in your fabulous drawing. Thanks a bunch!!!

Chris Worthy said...

I just love green toile!

Anonymous said...

your Amanda is a lovely model! I would so love to be entered in this giveaway...hope I'm not too late the light blue apron is specially pretty:) thanks, Karen

Donna, The Decorated House said...

How wonderful! Love the aprons, and all your kind gifts.

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