Sunday, May 10, 2009

The mother's corner...

(click any photos to enlarge)

Many years ago, my mom had two little girls.... (My sister and I were very blessed because we had just about the best mom ever....)

...and then I followed in my mom's footsteps and had two little girls of my own... (and I was blessed again - twice!)

Today is not only Mother's Day, it's also my mom's birthday; Mom is never far from my thoughts, especially today.

Since it's Mother's Day, I thought I'd share a little corner of my office that's something of a tribute to my mom... I have a small collection (only two!) of Mother's Mottos. They both feature beautiful verses (that remind me of my mom) and sweet little cottages (and you all know how I feel about cottages!!) One of my mom's favorite movies was "The Enchanted Cottage," so my love for all things 'cottage' goes way back!

Wouldn't you love to live in a little cottage just like this? (The verse says, "FOR MOTHER... This is my loving Wish for you... A flower-lined path Your-whole Life through" copyright 1939 P.A.M. CO.)

This "Mother Dear" motto is quite old and I'm assuming it's some type of memorial plaque (judging by the verse)... The names Cecilia & Kathryn appear to be hand-lettered beneath the printed verse (in a different colored ink). The sentiment and artwork are both lovely (you can click to enlarge for reading)... The trees remind me of our flowering crabapple trees that I just posted about here.

Hanging above the two mottos is a hand painted portrait of my mom as a young woman, done by Amanda when she was a first year art student in college (what a special Christmas gift that was!!!) Hand-made gifts are absolutely the best, aren't they?

Also hanging on that same wall is this framed art sign that Courtney made for me many years ago... We were big fans of "The Berenstain Bear" books when my girls were growing up (I think we've read all of them - many, many times!!!) When Court gave this to me she said (something to the effect) "I made this for you because you remind me of Mama Bear when she's upset and stomps around!" Ha Ha!! Gotta love it!!! Again, you just can't beat those hand-made gifts from the heart!

Thanks for letting me share my little "mother's corner" with you... I hope you all have a very Happy Mother's day! And Happy Birthday, Mom! (click here for last year's post on my mom's birthday - she was a very special lady!!!)


Claudia said...

Dear Donna,

What a wonderful tribute to your Mother, who had 2 girls just like you. I love your corner dedicated to your Mom - the enchanted cottage, the portrait of her - all of it is so sweet. You seem to have raised your girls like your Mom raised you! Have a Happy Mother's Day, Donna. I hope you get spoiled by your dear family!

A New England Life said...

Morning Donna, and Happy Mothers Day to you!

I think it's wonderful the way you honor your own mom and speak about her is such high regard. I'll bet your girls feel the same way about you : )

Enjoy the day.


Caroline said...

Happy Mothers day to you Donna. Love your Mothers Corner..what a nice tribute to your Mother.

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

I love your 'mother's corner' and your changeover to the shabby chic cottage style. I love it too - can't get enough of it. I share your love of birds as well. Thank you for a nice visit.

Lisa said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Hugs, Lisa

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a lovely corner it is! The picture of you and your sister with your mother is so cute and reminds me of Easter pictures of me and my sister with our mother. Your little girls are precious. Your cottage pictures with "Mother" prose are so pretty. Yes! I want to move right in. Wishing you and your mother Happy Mother's Day, and Happy Birthday to your mother. laurie

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Every few years my mother's birthday would fall on Mother's Day. I lost her two years ago just four days after her birthday. I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!

Brenda Pruitt said...

A Happy Mother's Day to you too! I love your blog. So fun and you decorate your cottage so beautifully! I love your Mother's tribute. Heartwarming.

Shaam said...

Aw. How sweet is that a Mother's Corner! I want one. You have a sweet family :) Hope you had a nice Mother's Day.

All the best,

Jean said...

Happy Mothers Day to you and thanks for sharing your Mothers corner. I collect Mothers vintage prints and I just got the cottage one you have . It is so pretty, isn't it? Your other one is one I have never seen before. I love your special handmade pictures too. What wonderful memories for you. Have a wonderful Monday.
Jean in virginia

cargol said...

What a loving tribute! Hope you got to spend Mother's Day with your beautiful daughters!

Jean Tuthill said...

Hi Donna, What a nice tribute to your Mother, I love the mother mottos that you have framed. I hope you were able to spend Mother's Day with your daughters, mine were here with their families and we had so much fun!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Such a special blog post and a wonderful tribute to your mother.