I can try to dress it up by throwing a cute vintage tablecloth over the shoe cubbies... and even make everyone put away their shoes from time to time!

I can try to brighten up the area up by painting over the old dark, scuffed woodwork...

..with creamy white paint...

I can remove the old threadbare, stained carpeting from the stairs, but that leaves me with construction grade plywood floors, the perfect recipe for splinters...

...so I can cover them with inexpensive peel & stick floor tiles until I hit the lottery and am able to renovate them with hardwoods... (Silly me thought we could just replace the treads with nice hardwood ones.... Turns out the entire staircase, risers and all, would need to be dismantled and reassembled in order to do so!)

So yes, I can try to do some spiffing and sprucing to the entryway, but I still want to keep the lights off if at all possible, because the one thing that can't be hidden or disguised or made aesthetically pleasing is....

...the pile of coats and hats hanging across the coat rack...

I just hate this area... my Waterloo for sure... the battle I can never win. From September through April everybody seems to wear coats or jackets of some sort, and they all end up here. (how I wish split-level homes had a closet right in the entryway!) I think this fall or winter I'm going to do a major closet reorgnization and see if I can get everyone to bring their coats upstairs to the hallway closet instead of hanging them on the hooks down by the front door... And if that doesn't work, I may suggest everyone start wearing pretty cottage colored coats of pinks and greens and blues, maybe with stripes or florals! (just kidding, hubby.... kind of :)
And speaking of the entryway...

The weather has been so beautiful lately! Not too hot, not too cold... Perfect for leaving doors and windows open. A couple of weeks ago I heard a big CLUNK and looked down to see that Spotty had leaped into the front door, and was now on his hind haunches, peering out...

In the next instant, this handsome boy came calling and Spotty was beside himself. I think Mr. Neighbor Kitty was enjoying taunting poor Spotty (strictly an indoor kitty), whose tail was getting puffier by the minute! Mr. NK finally realized Spotty would not be able to come out to play and went on his way, which made Spotty very happy.
And regarding these last 2 photos - please ignore the scatter rug which was about a week overdue for its trip through the washer... and please ignore the box just laying there in the entryway (containing the floor lamp that went into Amanda's new apartment)... and please ignore the poor bannister that desperately needs to be re-sanded, re-sealed and re-painted... ha ha.. there's a lot to be ignored in this little entryway!!!
Comment Update: Sharon, I have no idea why we were told the stairs needed to be completely reconstructed. When we had the hardwood floors put down 2 years ago we tried to get the contractors to cover the stairs with the matching hardwood at that point, but they said they were not allowed to cover stairs for 'liability' reasons. So I then called two other contractors to get quotes and they both said the stairs would need to be completely reconstructed (which made the quotes way more expensive than we can affford for the time being... Maybe some day post-college tuition! ha ha). I then went to two neighbors who also have splits and have had oak stairs put in over the past few years, and both of them said their contractors had, indeed, rebuilt the stairs, including treads, stringers, risers, etc... I'm so happy for you that yur dad was able to give you wood stairs without all the hassle of having them rebuilt!
Donna, I have to ask, why would they have to redo your stairs before putting hardwood treads on?
We have a split with the same sideboards and my dad was able to put on new treads. They look great! What he did say though was that the stairs were built incorrectly and should be rebuilt but he wasn't going through all that. The top step on both sets of stairs is 1" higher than the rest.
A little excitement for Spotty! Good for him. And I'm so glad he's an indoor kitty : )
Hi Donna,
Our last home had that split level entry. I know how hard they are to keep the way you want. I think your's looks pretty spiffy! Cindy
Well, Donna, you conquered your Waterloo, chick, because that is just fantastic! You did quite a great job, sugar.
Man, if that's the extent of your Waterloo, don't ever come by my house. You might die of shock. There's a lot more askew in my house than a mat. LOL.
I think your entryway is beautiful and the coats just make it look more like a home.
So pretty! Love what you've done!
Oh please let me know the secret if you are suceesful in getting coats hung in the closet...having a closet in the hall means nothing to the men in my house, they think coats are to be hung on the end of the banister or the back of chairs! As for rebuilding your stairs versus adding to the existing steps I'm sure it has to do with building codes...there are codes about the height and depth of stairs that need to be followed to prevent falling..believ it or not the smallest discrepancy tends to cause tripping!
Hi Donna; Now don't worry about all those in your pretty photos.. I love what you have done with your stairs.. you are a cleaver lady,, hey;; maybe if you do get them really pretty coats and cute boots, they will put theirs up where they belong then... hahaha probably not,, but that was a good idea.... have a great week.
Your entryway is lovely! Well Done!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh, but at least they are hung there,not on chair backs, the floor, etc.! I think they look colorful and homey.
Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. It's all perfect !
Thank you and best wishes....
I know what you mean Donna about it being such a terrible area. Everytime company comes in I always feel like it's an awkward place to stand.
My dad is an excellent finished carpenter and has worked around other funky things in our house. Like most splits he said it's built very poorly : (
Your Spotty looks a lot like my Bonnie. How funny the way they react to outdoor "friends." I wish my husband would just hang his jacket in the closet. I hate that coat tree sitting right by the front door. The first thing that greets people. But it's hard to teach them new tricks, huh?
I have always had the problem with the coats on the hooks too (even when there was a closet right beside the hooks!) I think your coats just make it look like someone lives here. We do, after all, live in our homes. Your stairway looks great. laurie
Hi Donna, your entryway looks fantastic. I love what you did with teh stairs and the coats look so colorful and make it look so homey and inviting. Stop by my blog and enter my 100th post Giveaway. I think you'll like what I have to offer.
THe entrance looks just lovely hun! Especially the stairs!! Thats a fab makeover!!
Annie x
So glad to stumble across your page today. I'm trying to figure out how to re-do my stairs and there are MDF treads on them, which I have gathered are not good for anything but being covered. Are the peel and stick tiles very thick and pull up off the nose of the stair?
Hi Donna, what you did was fantastic! I’m thinking to do similar with our entryway and coats.
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