... hawk and squirrel. I've seen this big guy in our yard several times over the past few weeks, often because I hear the ruckus being raised by the crows. But this time, it was the frenzied scattering of birds from the window screen feeder that caused me to look out.
My worst fears... One of our Sammies, who are like our outdoor pets, was being swooped down on by the hawk. Luckily, Sammy was able to get away...
He hid out on top of the tree house...
...while Mr. Hawk hung out on the lower rung of the tree house after Sammy's great escape.

They stayed that way for quite some time before Sammy finally ventured into the trees. Mr. Hawk stayed on the treehouse a bit longer before spending some time on a fence post and then flying off...

This was the view out my window yesterday... the second snowfall in as many days.

I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of this latest winter storm... and I really do appreciate the cloak of white that covers every shrub and tree in our yard. It's breathtakingly beautiful. But that doesn't mean I can't be counting the days until little buds are bursting forth from those same shrubs and trees.... right?
Great shots, Donna. It IS beautiful in New England after a snow storm, isn't it? Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Yes, I too love a new snow...but here in Southeast Texas...we don't get that anymore...but I can do with just PHOTO'S of it now.
It will be super when the flowers all come up in your area and in ours...we still have pansies but that is about all.
Big mean ol' Mr. Hawk! I would have run out to chase him away from poor Sammy. He must have been scared to death.
One time we had a mommy and daddy duck who decided to start a family in our back yard. It was so cute when the eggs hatched.
The mommy taught the little chicks to swim in our pool and then one by one the babies got picked up by mean ol' crows.
As hard as we tried we were not able to keep them away.
We finally called Animal control who came and caught the mommy and babies and took them to a park with a big lake.
I don't know what happened to them once they got there but I like to think they all lived happily ever after.
I would have been worried for Sammy, too. When I see a hawk in one of our trees, I nervously look around the yard. We have a little chipmunk that I love. So far, I think, so good!
You got a lovely snowfall there. We didn't get anything. We are just muddy, muddy, muddy. Constantly wiping mud off the dogs' paws. Oh, I am yearning for spring.
Morning Donna, You got some great shots of the hawk. We have 2 here that swoop through the yard and over the stream.
I came over to invite you to my Giveaway. I'm inviting all my special friends to join in the fun.
Srop by soon.
Hi Donna, Your pics are great, I love the NE snow pictures. I've been trying to catch up on blogs, I've been too busy with other things lately. We're closing the candy store...not enough business to cover all the expenses. That makes me sad, but I am retiring and that makes me happy. More time to play. I love the hands you decorated for the girls. and I am going to try the photo canvases. I really like the look. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Donna; I am so happy that Sammy was safe.. Mr Hawk needs to find some food else where..... poor little Sammy,, great photos though. I know what you mean about the snow,,, we love it but can't wait to have it gone.... the winter photos are just gorgeous.... stay warm and cozy.
My squirrels finally discovered the bird feeder placed on the fence several weeks ago. We had to put the peanut shells along the fence to bring them to it. Funny to watch our little yards full of nature.
At least you have lovely snow to look at! Here we are looking at cold rain, bare trees, some with dead leaves on them, just kinda blah. Makes for a blah day! We did have a few days of 60's and beautiful sunshine!! I do have some daffodils and tulips poking out so spring is on its way! Those are great pictures of the hawk and Sammy. Whenever I see a hawk around here I have to keep my chickens locked up for a few days since the hawk can wipe out the chickens real fast!
Beautiful photos! Such a magnificent creature, lucky Mr. Squirrel!
We too have been "gifted" with repeated snow falls, unfortunately they are coming with massive wind which makes it less enjoyable. I too am counting the moments until spring can lead me back outdoors.
Oh that nasty Hawk!!! Poor little Sammy, he must of been terrified. What's funny is that I would of been out there screaming at the large bird thinking I were a brave women protecting her outside babies, to have the Hawk instead come after me..that's probably what would of happened. Those Hawks are massive especially when they're wings are opened...scary
Your back yard is decorated much like mine. White with a touch of bird and squirrel. Such good taste we have!
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