In one of my last posts (which was weeks ago), I mentioned that I had decided on a different vase for my supermarket tulips... Oh, spring, can you come quick enough for me? I don't think so...

We get teased by temperatures that climb into the 50's only to be hammered the following day by late season snowstorms and dropping temps. But we're now in March. There is light at the end of the tunnel, both weatherwise and in many other ways, hopefully.

Tulips and milk glass.. Is there anything more spring-like? A perfect combination in my eyes, and oh-so-cottagey (is that even a word?)...

And while I was arranging tulips in the vase, sweet Tiger, who spends 95% of her time sleeping on Amanda's bed, climbed out from beneath the covers to pay a visit to the family room.

She tells me she has a bad case of spring fever and is very anxious for the days of open windows and warm, billowy breezes. We actually spotted the first chipmunk in our yard today - a sure sign that spring is just around the corner!
Wishing you all a wonderful transition from winter into spring...
Love your vase and your sweet kitty! Glad you are not blogging for no real reason! ;)
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Donna! Welcome back! Thought maybe you were on vacation or something. I know what you mean about not having enough hours in the day. And, of course, I'd rather be blogging than anything else right now! ha! Tiger is sooooooo sweet. Hope you have a super day. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
I love milkglass. My mom has collected it for years so it always reminds me of home. Your sweet little tiger girl is adorable...nice she came out for a visit.
p.s. I love the piece of architecture behind the vase.
Oh Toger has a very sweet face, Spring does feel like it is on the way.
I've checked in on you and am glad that you're fine.
And YES, I don't know how people do everything they do. I try to blog a little bit every day, but many times life gets in the way. If I blog too much the garden begins to look frayed, the dinner is leftovers, and the laundry cascades over the sides of the basket.
All best to you and spring will soon be here.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Hello, dear friend! Glad to see you're back. Spring is on its way - soon! I have that same vase in pink and I love it! (Great minds....)
It was great hearing from you again, Donna....missed your blog, glad that all is well, albeit busy.
Take care and think Spring!
How lovely! Yes, I have been busy too and need to get busier on the stupid tax filing work, LOL. Sweet pic of Tiger too.
Tiger is a doll! Such a cute face!
Hey, I have that same vase. I love it and it does look perfect with tulips. I think I need to go buy some this week!
Sure hope all is going well for you and your family.
I've missed you.
Tiger is a doll! Such a cute face!
Hey, I have that same vase. I love it and it does look perfect with tulips. I think I need to go buy some this week!
Sure hope all is going well for you and your family.
I've missed you.
Tiger sure is a sweet looking cat! Too cute. The tulips in the milk glass vase are beautiful. They're practially shouting spring!
Patricia :o)
I know how things can pile up. I was beginning to worry about you though. Love the banner. So springlike!
Aw, Tiger has such a sweet face!
Love your new banner. Glad you're back to blogging.
Hopefully, Spring is around the corner.
Love your new pic!!! It makes me smile and... makes me want to get up and go do some Spring decorating! Glad you are okay!!! You know how I start getting concerned when too many days pass without a blog entry. Love Tiger's sweet face! We have been watching the chipmunks in our back yard too!
Jan in TN
What a wonderful milk glass collection you have, and I do so love tulips! Tiger is so cute and I imagine will be happy too when spring is here. I know about blogging taking time, and it has been a while since I have really sat down to read blogs, but that was my goal for today to read them all!
Yes, bring on Spring! Tulips and gentle breezes! Not only a cat's wish, but mine too.
Tiger is lovely with her wise little face. She knows spring always shows up . . . eventually.
Hi Donna,
This was a lovely post. I think it's find but sad that we have to apologize for not blogging. It's almost like feeling guilty not returning a friend's phone call. How did we manage to put this pressure on ourselves I'll never know. But I feel the same way. If I don't blog at least 5 times a week, I'll be forgotten. Whatever kept you away from blogging, I hope it was fun.
Enjoy your weekend and don't feel guilty anymore.
xo Cathy
I am ready for tulips and sunshine too. What a sweet Tiger you have. Love your milk glass. My mother has a large collection she wants to give me some day and I will remember how sweet your tulips grace the vase.
I enjoyed visiting your place. I especially love seeing your milk glass...I have my mother's pieces, since she has had to move to a smaller place.
Yes, I think our calicos are ready for spring too.
Enjoy Sunday ~Natalie
p.s would you mind if I grab your link so I can visit you again?
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