Unfortunately when Saturday arrived, it was in the mid-TWENTIES at 9 a.m. when I showed up at the yard sale. I was the only one there other than the poor homeowner and his sweet little daughter. The week before, when temps hit the 70's, a yard sale had seemed like a good idea. Not so much that morning...

But, oh, what a BARGAIN I found! I got this cool little pot for only $5. Now I'm not a cook, so if there's a name for a piece like this, I have no idea what it is. I'm guessing it's some type of kettle because of the unique handle and the little pouring spout...

I LOVE this piece! I made tomato soup in it last night to go with our grilled cheese sandwiches, and it was so easy to pour the soup into our mugs! I'm going to use it as a tea kettle on the stove top since I don't have one.

But what REALLY made this a bargain was that for my $5, I not only got that cool little "spout kettle," I got the ENTIRE set of matching cookware!!! I am in L-O-V-E with this set! I may actually end up enjoying cooking!

The set is by SILAMPOS, Made in Portugal. It seems to be a very nice quality set of cookware, although I can honestly say I know nothing about this brand... But what I do know is that I got one heck of a deal at my first yard sale of the season!!!
Wishing you all sunny spring days! Here in New England we have been DELUGED with rain for weeks on end it seems, but today the sun is shining - what a WELCOME sight!!!
What a fantastic deal you got! That looks like a great set of pots.
As for the weather... I'm from New England, too. We now have a lake in our backyard - with a swingset in the middle! To top it off, a pair of ducks have made themselves at home.
Michelle :)
WOW!! You did get a bargain.
Wow, you did get a bargain! I love special finds like that! Carla
oh my you did get a deal! that is very nice cookwear and I'm sure it pleased the homeowner to have someone brave the cold :)
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in awe girl..YAHOOOOOOOO..you got it going girl...and that is extremely good quality that you purchased. They are definitely not cheap pots and pans..I'm so excited for you....
Today is close to 80 degrees here..oh how I want yard sales to get here,,,I'm just about ready to burst..
Oooh, you got some great bargains! I love all the pots - they look wonderful in your kitchen. I guess it pays to brave the cold, doesn't it?
I am so happy the sun is finally out!
What a bargin! Good for you for going out even in the cold. I love tomato soup and grilled cheese. I had tomato soup last night but no grilled cheese. Poor me. LOL
Whoa Doggie, Donna. You scored with that entire set of lovely cookware for 5 big ones. Holy Mackeral! Congratulations! Wasn't it glorious to see the sun at last today? Donna, was it a long process for you to sign up with BlogHer? Are you happy with that service? Sincerely, Susan
Hon, you got one heck of a deal! And it's so lovely. Probably still wouldn't entice me into actually wanting to cook. But I do like pretty pots!
You scored big time! That little pot with the pouring spout is worth that alone!
My word Donna, $5? You lucked out big time! Way to go!
Hey, I see you have lost over 42 lbs. That is awesome! It had to be difficult during the winter. Do you exercise, or just diet?
Donna, YOU DID get the buy of the century. Wow, I've never heard of that brand, but they look like real quality pieces.
Now repeat after me, "I WILL ENJOY COOKING." Say it 100 times and it will come true.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
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