Meet RUSTY, a beautiful male husky just aching to find his forever home! Just look at that toothy grin - doesn't it make your heart melt?

RAOUL, an adult male b&w tuxedo cat, is described as "a lean mean loving machine" who gets along well with other cats. He is so regal. He'd love to be king of your castle!

Sweet little Chili is a purebred Chihuahua, and she would love to have someone to snuggle up with during the long, cold winter, and forevermore! She looks so scared in this photo. She needs to find her forever home so she can have happy photos from now on!

Adana is a darling little Siamese lady who is described as "a love sponge" once you start petting her and she feels safe. She has vestibular syndrome, resulting in some eye flickering, but it is a mild case. She is hoping to find her purrrrfect home sometime soon!
If you have room in your hearts and homes for any of these fur babies, they would LOVE to meet you!
If you aren't in Alaska, just click on Adopt-A-Pet and enter your own zip code or location to find a shelter animal in your area that is desperately hoping to find its forever home.
Thank you for helping these cats and dogs find loving homes. They are so willing to give and receive love.
So sweet of you to post on this subject which is near and dear to my heart.
I would adopt them all if I could!
I think you did a good thing here. More people should do volunteer work at the dog Pounds.
That cat is beautiful..
I could truly adopt them all. So cute. Our Rocky cat is an adoped cat and we LOVE him so much...and he loves us so much.
Have a nice day.
What a blessing you are to these wonderful pets. You are doing such a noble thing posting them on your blog. I'd take them all if I could! Our little Maizie is a rescue from a shelter, and we'll adopt from there again when it's time. Blessings to you!
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
Awwww, I'd take Raoul. But, my Honey Cat, who is seriously territorial, would eat him up like an appetizer. Hope all the little animals you feature find homes, Donna. Susan
Thank you for your kind words regarding the passing of my fur/purr baby Oskar.
Hello dear Donna
I've been looking around your site. It's been a while.
You are amazing. I am so in AWW of you right now. I know how we both LOVE our fur babies, but to be doing a state-by-state adoption post is really something special. Thank you from one "volunteer" to another.
Now about the chip whisperer, OMG. I LOVE it. How wonderful to be able to pet little chip.
We have a little one in our yard. We always called him Chippy, well he's now Chipette. Yes she had babies in our basement. One little one fell from the rafters. We found him/her and tried everything to keep it alive. Poor little baby didn't make it. It's now RIP in our little cemetery. It was incredible to actually hold it in our hands.
Now I think we could actually feed Chipette by hand, but Mama cat and Fat cat are all too anxious to get her. I have some great pics of Chipette with her cheeks all puffy from over eating. Too funny.
Well time for bed, oh I always say that, but never get there lol.
Just wanted to come by and say hello to you. Since then, we have adopted a brother/sister bichon team. They are 12 yrs. old and just treasures. So we now have 7 dogs, 2 cats, 3 degus, 1 bird. : )
Take care Donna.
Love Claudie
Hello dear Donna
I've been looking around your site. It's been a while.
You are amazing. I am so in AWW of you right now. I know how we both LOVE our fur babies, but to be doing a state-by-state adoption post is really something special. Thank you from one "volunteer" to another.
Now about the chip whisperer, OMG. I LOVE it. How wonderful to be able to pet little chip.
We have a little one in our yard. We always called him Chippy, well he's now Chipette. Yes she had babies in our basement. One little one fell from the rafters. We found him/her and tried everything to keep it alive. Poor little baby didn't make it. It's now RIP in our little cemetery. It was incredible to actually hold it in our hands.
Now I think we could actually feed Chipette by hand, but Mama cat and Fat cat are all too anxious to get her. I have some great pics of Chipette with her cheeks all puffy from over eating. Too funny.
Well time for bed, oh I always say that, but never get there lol.
Just wanted to come by and say hello to you. Since then, we have adopted a brother/sister bichon team. They are 12 yrs. old and just treasures. So we now have 7 dogs, 2 cats, 3 degus, 1 bird. : )
Take care Donna.
Love Claudie
Hello dear Donna
I've been looking around your site. It's been a while.
You are amazing. I am so in AWW of you right now. I know how we both LOVE our fur babies, but to be doing a state-by-state adoption post is really something special. Thank you from one "volunteer" to another.
Now about the chip whisperer, OMG. I LOVE it. How wonderful to be able to pet little chip.
We have a little one in our yard. We always called him Chippy, well he's now Chipette. Yes she had babies in our basement. One little one fell from the rafters. We found him/her and tried everything to keep it alive. Poor little baby didn't make it. It's now RIP in our little cemetery. It was incredible to actually hold it in our hands.
Now I think we could actually feed Chipette by hand, but Mama cat and Fat cat are all too anxious to get her. I have some great pics of Chipette with her cheeks all puffy from over eating. Too funny.
Well time for bed, oh I always say that, but never get there lol.
Just wanted to come by and say hello to you. Since then, we have adopted a brother/sister bichon team. They are 12 yrs. old and just treasures. So we now have 7 dogs, 2 cats, 3 degus, 1 bird. : )
Take care Donna.
Love Claudie
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