- "I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs."
- (Joseph Addison, 1672-1719, English Essayist, Poet)
- (Joseph Addison, you are a kindred spirit)
- Nothing attracts a wide variety of birds to our garden more than the abundance of fresh water we offer in our small backyard. A variety of birdbaths hang from trees, sit on stands or tables, or rest on the ground (after all, the Chipmunks, Squirrels, and other wildlife also need water). Let's take a little walk around and I'll show you.
- This small bird bath (shown in the first photo) hangs from a tree next to our deck. In the photo above, a mourning dove was enjoying a cool drink during our hot weather.
- Also on the deck, attached to a rail, is the heated birdbath. It gets plugged in during the winter months, providing fresh water all winter long.
- I've had this tiny little shell birdbath longer than I can remember. It is chipped and doesn't hold much water, but it's a favorite of mine. And would you look at who is watching me take these photos!! This little bath sits on the "haunted" carpenter's bench on the deck.
- The last birdbath on the deck is this fountain. They say the sound of running water attracts birds. I also love the sound of it.
- See the little bubbler on top of the fountain, where the water runs out? I was absolutely mesmerized by Sharon Lovejoy's post showing a mama hummingbird laying on top of her fountain's bubbler! See for yourself! How I'd LOVE to find a hummer bathing on my bubbler!! Okay, let's head down into the backyard and I'll show you what we have down there.
- This little mosaic birdbath sits on the ground in front of the swingset deck we built last year.
- On the other side of the swingset deck, a makeshift birdbath sits on a wire table. I have several of these baths in the backyard.
- Here's another one sitting on an old milk can on the patio.
- These are inexpensive, $1.00 chip bowls from The Christmas Tree Shop. They are the perfect size for the birds and at that price, I can put them all over the yard!
- Here's yet another one, sitting in a small concrete pedestal birdbath in between two of the paths we just put into the garden. The concrete developed a crack and doesn't hold water so the large hydrangea CTS bowl was the perfect solution.
- Another source of running water is this small waterfall fountain on the backyard patio.
Again, you can't beat the sound of running water for attracting birds and wildlife to your backyard.
Across the garden paths is another large Christmas Tree Shop bowl. This one is quite deep so I put rocks into the bottom so the birds aren't afraid to hop in and take a bath. (Please excuse Mr. Bunny who seems to be wearing mulberries!)
- Now we're heading over to the cherry tree, where my beautiful vintage Mary garden statue watches over all the little creatures and birds who visit our yard. It seemed fitting to place this gorgeous blue and white bowl over by her.

I love the hand painted pink roses and sponged gold border. The birds love the generous size!
Hanging from the cherry tree is this small decorative bird bath.
The 'secret garden' bird bath is a favorite with the birds because it's a bit more secluded than some of the other baths...
... and this little gazing ball bath is a favorite with the many Chips who frequent our yard because it's low to the ground. They stand up on their little back legs and drink out of the bottom tier.
This is the ugliest bath in the yard (its twin sits in the front yard). So why do I keep them both? The birds all LOVE them. They seem to be the perfect size for small, medium, and large birds. They're just large plastic drip tray bases for huge planters. Maybe some day I'll try to do something decorative with them (yeah, right!)
Now we're heading toward the gate that leads to the front yard. This dove birdbath sits just inside the backyard next to the gate.
Bye Bye, Birdie! We're heading out front now!
Okay, so let's see what we have out here...
Right outside the gate, another of the CTS hydrangea bird baths sits on a table under the old window and flower box...
... while a little cherub birdbath hangs from the old stockade fence.
And we end our birdbath tour with the ugly twin that sits under the hoppa crab tree (which has started dropping leaves at an alarming rate with the 90+ degree temps we've been having lately!). So, I think 19 birdbaths should be enough to keep my little feathered and furry friends happy!!!
I love all your birdbaths! Hope you'll go to my blog and put your name in the hat for the bird's nest pendant I'm giving away.
Holy moly, Donna! I bet you stay busy cleaning and filling all of those birdbaths! lol! But you are THE sweetest thing to be so considerate of our feathered friends. I have three in my yard and wouldn't give up my small pond with the waterfall for all the money in the world. Besides the birds hopping in and out of the water, there's 10 frogs living in it, and we've watched chips and squirrels drink out of it, too! (sigh!) Don'tcha just LUV summertime....??? ♥
xoxo laurie
You know, we just haven't really ever done birdbaths but of course it's such a good idea. Maybe a hanging one would keep the dogs from drinking them...or I do have some old milk cans...hmmm...
I'm feeling inspired :-)
Oh and, as always, we (heart) Baby!
Honestly, Donna, I LOVED this post. Just loved it. You gave me SO MANY ideas. Gosh, I've been holding out to find the "perfect" bird bath while all the while, I have things right here that I can use! Thanks.
Your yard should be filled with little feathered friends for you have created a darling haven for them.
One question: how do you keep the water from getting murky or with algae....do you constantly add new water? Just curious.
Hope you and Baby have a terrific day. I KNOW your birdies will. Susan
Your lovely garden is a true haven for the birds! What a kind soul you are!!
Susan and Bentley
This looks so wonderful. I love birds too and I can see it's bird heaven in your garden.
I love the little birdcage with plating too ; )
Have a fantastic weekend.
Donna, you've inspired me to add more bird baths to the yard! I enjoyed the tour! Annette
I loved your garden tour! So nice to see all the different features.
So, so pretty. I love gardens, bird houses, birds, and water fountains, etc., too! Thanks for sharing with us!
Oh, I know your fine feathered friends appreciate all the wonderful birdbaths. Have a lovely weekend.
Waving from Our Back Porch,
Hi Donna, YOu are so right, water really does attract the birds. We have a small stream running beside the house and we have so many different kinds of birds and they are all a joy.
You'll never guess who came to visit 3 weeks ago. 3 cats showed up together one day. I suppose they were dropped off as we do live in the country. Only took me a few days till I had two of them tame enough to pet. Of course I feed them daily. What loves they are so I guess we are now a 4 cat family. Now they are with me where ever I go in the garden so I have 2 great biddies! Full story to be posted to my blog later.
Your yard is totally over-the-top beautiful. Oh, how I would love to come and here in all those inviting places in your yard. Every area is precious.
Have a fun day.
So sweet! i love it that you have doves flying around your home in the wild - i have a ringneck dove "joey" as a pet! I host a garden party on Thursday's & would love it if you'd link up sometime?!? xoox, tracie
I love them all! I'll bet it takes a half of a day to fill all of those. Lucky birds! Carla
You have so many wonderful places to stop and rest,gather their thoughts and drink. What a site it must be. I love how you decorated your birdhouse and the jungle gym in the back, the window box and hanging flower stole my heart. Darling post
hugs ~lynne~
I just found your blog by accident while I was looking at Swedish decor. Then I started looking at all your birdbaths. Well, now I feel like you are a friend, we have so much in common and I am so glad I discovered you. I will be returning often. Please come visit me at www.lifeatwildberrycottage.com - Lana
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