Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mr. J announces The Night Before Christmas Winner!

Mr. J, mere steps outside the groomer's door ...
 ... is smiling his biggest smile and wagging his tail so fast it's a blur because he is announcing the winner of the Leonard Weisgard copy of The Night Before Christmas!
(Truth be told, it's also because he was JUST picked up from the groomer 
and is oh-so-happy to be going home!!!)

I had hubby do the honors of reaching in and picking the winner and he picked...
....(drum roll)....
 Ruth Kelly (Dian's Timpanalle blog). Congratulations, Ruth!!!
I'll be in touch to get your address! Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway!
Can you tell that Mr. J is counting the minutes until I take off his collar?
(Just look at the size of those big, flat paws!
We refer to them as muppet feet because that's just what they look like!)
I thought he looked absolutely adorable in his little 'elf' collar from the groomer. I think you can tell by the look on his face what he thought! The excitement of escaping the groomer's has been replaced by the reality that he's got some kind of contraption around his neck and, frankly, he's not a fan of scarves, bandanas, or (apparently) elf collars.
Oh, Mr J, if you only knew how CUTE you look!!
Mr. J was originally from a shelter who had him listed as a Lhasa Apso mix.
When one of my girls posted his picture on Facebook shortly after we got him,
a friend of hers responded, "Oh, you got a Shih-Poo!"
(which is apparently part Shih-Tzu, part Poodle)
Whatever you are, Mr. J, you are one handsome hound!
This was the last humiliating picture (taken in front of our still undecorated tree).
The collar came off immediately after this photo was taken, much to Mr. J's delight :)
I hope you all have a beautiful week!


  1. Mr. J is a cutie! Too bad he didn't draw my name out of the hat, but congratulations to the lucky winner!

  2. Congratulations to Ruth! So happy for her.

    Cute dog, Donna. I like your silver deer and the snowy trees, too. Susan

  3. That is one cute little doggy.

  4. Mr.J IS very handsome. Ruth is going to be SO excited to win. She is just the nicest ever lady- xo Diana

  5. Lovely giveaway and your animal friends are just so cute! x

  6. Mr. J sure looks handsome, especially in that cute elf collar! Too bad he didn't like it. ;-)

  7. Mr. J sure looks dapper in his elf collar! Congratulations to the winner!!
