Comment Update #2: I was so surprised to hear that some of you enjoy your blue jay visitors all winter long! I wonder where mine go? (Maybe to your houses!) Mine disappear in late fall and then show up when the robins do, usually late January or early February.
I don't usually do two posts in one day, but I just had to because I don't want any of you to miss out on this deal! (Spring must almost be here because LOVE is in the air!!)
(click any photos to enlarge)

Do you love birds?

Do you love lamps???

Then you are going to flip for the bird lamp I picked up last night!!! (I do love bird lamps... do you remember this post about the Urban Outfitters bird lamp my girls bought for me?)

About 17" tall and almost 8" across (from tip of tail on one bird to outstretched wings of the other) [insert drumroll...................] And only $9.99 - shade included - at The Christmas Tree Shops!!!!!

Just look at the sweet details on this little bird!!!

The first one I picked up happened to have an imperfection ... The bird on the left only had one eye (all the other lamps were fine)... Now I could have put it back and picked one that was perfect, but this one reminded me of our sweet Gizzy (who we lost last March), our little one-eyed terrier mix whose picture you've probably seen on my sidebar... So the lamp with the one-eyed bird is the one that came home with me (remember me saying the other day that I loved Rachel Ashwell's philosophy about perfection being daunting? ha ha)... Perfection is definitely over-rated, a lesson that has take me almost my whole life to learn (and that I continue to learn each and every day!)

Double your fun!!! You all know me and my love for robin's egg/cottage blue! But my daughter bought the green lamp for herself, and I have to admit I was torn... I have so much robin's egg already, and I do love that shade of green... but in the end the little "bluebird of happiness" lamp won out for me...

I really need to make a habit of going to The Christmas Tree Shop more often. Look at this adorable heart-shaped, wire-trimmed Valentine ornament I found! It was just laying near the bird lamps so I brought it to the customer service desk and asked where they were located in the store... I was told that was probably the last one because the section where they were located was now empty, and that they had sold very quickly... Well for 99 cents I can see why! They're huge and just shabby/cottage perfect! Doesn't it look cute on my dining room bird (another imperfect bird here at the cottage!). Shortly after purchasing this bird many years ago, Mr. B, my all black kitty, knocked it over. The bird now has a gaping hole in its chest (not visible at this angle) and the entire front of his face/beak broke off... So I got some kind of plaster type material and tried my best to form his face and beak (very visible if you enlarge the photo!). It definitely looks like a 'repair' job, but that's okay... He doesn't need to be perfect to live here...
So my advice to anyone living here in the Northeast near a Christmas Tree Shop is to RUN to your nearest CTS if you're interested in either the bird lamps or the hearts!!!!!!! They're obviously going fast (at least the hearts are), and for the $9.99, I doubt those bird lamps are going to be on the shelves for long...

And last, but not least (how perfect for a bird post)... While I was taking a photo of the heart ornament hanging from the bird in the corner of our dining room, who should show up at the feeder but Mr. Blue Jay! It's good to see the bluejays back after them being gone all winter. I suspect he's thinking, "What a nice buffet table! Where do I begin!!!"

"I think I'll try a peanut first, but I'll be back for the suet and sunflower seeds very soon!"
Enjoy your day! And let me know if you do go to the CTS and get one of the lamps - or find more hearts! (There may have been more bird lamp colors originally, but the store I went to only had them in green or blue)...
Oh, I wish I was near a Christmas Tree Shop - but alas, I am in southern California! That lamp is so charming! I love the idea of imperfection - to me, imperfection is perfect! Little nicks, scratches, missing eyes, all of that - makes me love each piece more.
By the way, I love seeing your bird photos! Thanks so much for them as I really miss my northeastern birds!
Thanks for the alert, Donna! Oh man I'd love to buy that lamp too! The only CTS that I know of near me is on the far side of Staten Island, and it costs $10 to cross the bridge. Maybe I can talk a friend into going with me and we can split the toll and make a day of it.
The last time we went we spent sooo much all the bargains add up!
I so want that lamp! I love it. I went their website to try to order one online but they don't have that feature. I'll have to find time to travel to one and hope they still have any. The nearest one to me is over an hour away. are a girl after my own heart. I adore the Christmas Tree Shops. There is one in Augusta Maine...2 hours from where I live. This one is small and there isn't as much stuff as the one in South Portland....which is 3 hours from where I live, and WORTH EVERY GALLON OF GAS, AND SECOND SPENT ON THE ROAD. Your lamp is a true "find". You go girl! Hugs, Kathleen
I like the green lamp very much! It would go perfect in my kitchen. When I'll have time to go to the Christmas tree shop though, I don't know : ( Maybe this week-end.
I do love the Blue Jays. I didn't notice they had left, at least not here anyway. How I miss having a window feeder like that. Yours is perfect.
I am cuckoo for birds! Great finds! I have only been in a CTS once, the one closest to me is about an hour away and the Saturday traffic is a nightmare. Guess I will have to take a day off and go!
Oh how I LOVE those gorgeous lamps! I wish there was a Christmas Tree Shop in my area!
I don't think my bluejays left this winter! I will be glad to see the spring birds come back.
How adorable. Love your blog--it made me want to curl up in a cozy shabby chic room.
I live in modern style on the 20th floor of an urban highrise....and love that too, but its fun to visit here and be in this space.
Thanks for sharing your adorable home with us.
I LOVE THAT LAMP! I would have snatched it right up! : ) I don't think that we have a Christmas Tree Shop here in Phoenix....
I'll have to check it out!
Hi Donna!
That is an awesome lamp! and what an incredible price. The color is perfect for your house! Great find girl!! Wish we had Christmas Tree Shops around here. I'm sure my hubby is glad we don't!
Oh gosh, I am so jealous that I can't go get one of those precious lamps! What a deal. Love the Blue Jay at the feeder. laurie
Wayyy to rub it in that there is no Christmas Tree shops in my area! ;o)
Love your lamp!
What a lovely blue lamp :)
I love your blog!
That is a beautiful lamp, I'm going to check it out. I need a larger lamp in my living room and that would be perfect in there. I certainly will run to see if they have them here. Thanks for the heads-up!
What a great find and how "perfect" that it reminds you of Gizzy. Isn't it funny where we find beauty and comfort?
As you know I enjoy your bird and critter shots and seeing Mr Blue Jay is no exception.
I hope you have a great day and keep warm. We're finally going to get some they say.
Love the lamp!!! Yes, if only I lived close to one!!! We have over 200 species of birds up here in the mountains. Had a great visit. Stop by when you can. Connie
OhMyGosh! Donna...I love that blue bird lamp. It would be perfect in my bathroom or little studio/office. After seeing it, I went straight to my computer and googled CTS. Darn! Waaaayyyy too far for me to go buy one, I'm in Texas *sigh*. And CTS has no online sales! I'm wondering if Homegoods would have one?!? Next time I go to Dallas, I will check it out! Sure enjoyed the "bird watching" from your window. Come on Spring!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I think we would get along just fine since we have a soft spot in our hearts for animals! I love them all and can tell that you do too. I don't usually get on the "political bandwagon" but I'm hoping Congress passes the bill that will regulate puppy mills in the US and ban importing puppies under the age of 6 months. I would like to see Puppy mills shut down! OK, I'll get off my soapbox now!
Have a wonderful day!
I LOVE the lamps!!! Oh I wish there was an online store!! I always forget to come by your blog, now that I'm here I will but you on my link.
What a pretty little lamp! We don't have a Christmas Tree Shop around here. Are these open all year round? I can't wait for Spring so all my bird friends return!
Oh my goodness! I wish I had a CTS near me!!
Those are so cute!
I love The Christmas Tree Shops of the Northeast and will drive miles out of the way whenever we travel just to visit. Southern Indiana should so have such shops. Thanks for this post, totally enjoyable.
L-o-v-e the bird lamp! I'll let you know if I ran fast enough to get one!!
Your bird buffet is great. How do you keep the squirrels from helping themselves? Or do you?
Love your blog. Can't wait to visit again.
I wanted to let you know, I bought the lamp!!! First I walked around the store for a while with the blue one, then I realized the green would work best for my kitchen.
Thank you so much for bringing blogging about it! I love birds and this is perfect. My plans are to put a whitewash on the base and decorate the shade with fabric and trim. When I finish I'll be sure to post it on my blog : )
I love those lamps!!!!!!!!!
HELP! I've been chasing these bird lamps for years. i ordered from UO but they ran out.. then i saw the ones from The Chrismas Tree Shop and tehy were really soo adorable.. but alas, I live in Los Angeles and we dont have that store here.. can someone be nice enough and get me 2 of these lamps please? I can be reached at 323-365-6178 or thru email at thanks a lot - Anna
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