You can easily use the Adopt-A-Pet site to find the perfect pet to fit yours and your family's lifestyle. Just enter your geographic location and then choose the type of animal (cat, dog, etc.), even a specific breed (yes, there are MANY purebreed animals waiting in shelters for their forever homes). You can also choose by age, gender, or size. You'll find photos and a short description of the animals patiently waiting for a home of their own, and information on who to contact to start adopting one of the best friends you'll ever have in your life!
I plan to feature a few animals on a regular basis on my blog, alphabetically, state by state. So without further ado, here are two dogs and two cats from Alabama who would love to find that special person to live out their lives with! Just click on their names (under their photos) for more information on their size, age, personality, etc.!



Thank you for taking the time to read this, and an extra big thank you to those who grab a button for their side bar!!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and an extra big thank you to those who grab a button for their side bar!!!!
I always have a shelter pic on my side bar.
"What to find the love of your life??? Adopt a shelter pet"!!
That is where we got our Boyz & they are the loves of our lives!!
Have a Great Day!!
Oh my goodness, when I see photos like this, I want to take each of them home. I hope they find wonderful forever homes. All our animal friends deserve to be loved.
That's good there's an organization like that to help pets get adopted. Here, an animal shelter puts photos of dogs and cats in the newspaper. Susan
God Bless you for this post. I
don't know how some people don't have a dog. Mine is my life, we
are so close and know each other so well..
It breaks my heart to see those pictures. Every animal should have a forever home. I pray one day that will be true.
Thank you for the link. I am looking for a dog for my Mom. My Daddy died last month and she's feeling lonely and has mentioned that she would like to adopt a dog. She has lots of time and lots of love to give and it would be wonderful to give a little fellow a loving home. I'll check it out right now!!
Susan and Bentley
Darling photos of those sweet animals. We got our precious orange tabby cat ROCKY from the San Francisco SPCA. He is the greatest and sweetest pet!
oh, such sweet babies! we adopted our cat a year and a half ago, and i couldn't imagine things without her. to say i am obsessed with her is putting it lightly!
thanks so much for stopping by the cape on the corner, and for your comment on the vinyl i added for her! i really appreciate that!
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