Up until yesterday, this is what my backyard flower box looked like. I had to photograph the front yard flowerbox this morning because....

THIS is what the backyard one looks like now. Nary a plant left. And why, you might ask?
We are in the middle of an extreme heat wave/high humidity weather pattern here in the Northeast, not fit for man nor beast. As a result, I went out to refill bird baths a few times yesterday as they're quickly going dry from the constant bathing and drinking going on (the little creatures, not me)...
Anyhow, while refilling the birdbath down by the backyard patio yesterday afternoon, I noticed that my gorgeous flower box was EMPTY!

Or was it???

Upon closer inspection, I spied Sammy (even though he was trying his best to hide behind the one remaining vinca vine!)

As I got closer, he got a little skitterish... But with the weather being as blasted HOT as it was, he could muster only a few steps before collapsing at the other end of the flower box. I'm certain his little squirrel-sized brain was thinking, "Maybe if I drape my little paw over the side and look adorable she won't be angry and cut off my peanut supply."

You know what, Sammy? If I was a squirrel, I'd have done the exact same thing as you... That cool soil is a necessity on days like today.
So Sammy got peanuts tossed to him (I always have them in my pocket when out in the yard) and I made the decision to just leave the 'dirt' box like it is for the rest of the summer. The Sammy's need their cool soil more than I need my flowers in this unbearable heat...

And no pictures of the hummers yet. Whenever I spot them, I don't have my camera handy. Whenever I have my camera handy, I don't see one. But the chair is still parked there and if I have any spare time I'll try to plunk myself down and get a photo before the bee balm is done blooming (it's already started the downward turn!)...
Hoping you all have some way to keep COOL if you happen to be going through a heat wave like we are!
That was an adorable post, Donna. Don't know if I'd be as hospitable to Sammy Squirrel as you were! Ha! Hotter than hell's bells, isn't it? Yikes. Susan
You are kind to keep peanuts in your pockets and to let Sammy have his R&R in your flower box. I think his relative lives on our patio. I have posted about our naughty squirrel in the past, he is handsome and black, which is rare for our area, and he digs up plants and plants peanuts.
I don't blame little Sammy at all. It is so hot here that every little creature is trying to figure out how to stay cool! Including me. Carla
Oh my gosh is it every hot! My garden is sagging, my bee balm is, like yours, looking a little ragged. Oh, that Sammy! I don't blame him one bit. It is miserable and he has to have some sort of cool refuge.
Too cute!!
Shame about your plants, but how can you get mad over a little squirrel keeping cool!
Im enjoying the cooler weather on this side of the world, I'll send some your way!
I found your enchanting blog via Willow, I am a lover of all things cottagey and have enjoyed my visit. I have a Sammy Squirrel in my cottage garden too (in Wales). He steals bird feeders and takes them away. I shall call again.
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Thanks for making me laugh today.
Oh you HAVE to visit my blog and see my squirrel story! You will appreciate it! I have a picture too. We call ours "Squirrely Joe". He's adorable...sigh....
Cheery wave from
You are much nicer to that squirrel than I would be. i had the same thing happen to mine one year, only it was a hen doin it. She was scratching around for bugs and out was goin my flowers.
Oh my gosh, it has been so hot! I really hate it and can't wait til Fall.
Poor Sammy running around in a fur coat. He is lucky to have you. I love that photo of him lounging. He really is sweet and so are you for letting him rest in the flower box and for always feeding him peanuts.
You're such a good squirrel Mom.
I am in love with your precious backyard. Oh so cute. What a fun place to sit and relax.
He's so cute!
I can't believe the squirrel did that to your window box! We have a lot of squirrel but they haven't touched any of our flowers. I did however have a red squirrel laying in the flowers on our deck earlier this summer, but that's it.
Keep cool Donna! Humidity is not a girls best friend ; )
Oh, and btw, over 50lbs on your weight loss? That is fantastic! Way to go Donna!
Looks like Sammy has a happy home.
cute post.
GLAD you're a sucker for Sammy. I am too. I let them get away with plantacide every day.
Happy summer,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Donna, I have to laugh at Sammy and share that a similar thing is happening at my house too! A HUGE raccoon is making our little bird pond his own, and spending each night IN it....knocking over the orchid pot, ceramic turtle and rock edging. But it is too hot to try to discourage him.....until he eats more of my tomatoes, that is...... I accidently erased ALL of my blogs, and am slowly finding them again through the blog rolls....glad I found yours again! :) Rosie
Very Cute post. Love your blog.
What a funny story. Sammy does look cute draped in your flower box trying to stay or look cool.
Love your post, love your pics, LOVE your blog! The squirrel...not so much...We have them here too, and they can be such stinkers.
I'm your newest follower.
Awwww...that poor little guy! We sooo feel his pain, don't we - with all of this heat? At least we aren't wearing a fur coat...can you imagine?
Wonderful blog and am happily following!
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
I agree with you. Just let them have a little real estate in your yard. Have to kind of feels sorry for them. You caught some wonderful pictures of him/her!
There was a squirrel on our deck today...should I be afraid??!
Have a fabulous weekend. ~Natalie
That little Sammy is a rascal! It's beautiful without the flowers too and it's best to let him have his cool soil, LOL.
Your very kind to sammy, I too can't shout at them when they visit our bird table and eat their food!
Those darn squirrels. They have eaten almost every pear off my pear tree so I am not feeling the love for them right now. Love your blog though.
Poor Sammy, he didn't mean to destroy your planter. He looks like he's just begging for forgiveness. Glad he has a home and food from you. Hopefully the temps will drop soon. Seems like the extreme weather is away from us, we had over 70 days over 100 last summer and have yet to hit 100 this year.
Sammy is so cute, you can't be mad at him. I don't want to be outside in this heat, especially wearing a fur coat!
What a cute story and your love of animals shines. I think I would have offered to hose him down if he stayed out of the box. We wet the kitty down a bit just to cool him down. Way too hot here.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Love the story and your sweet blog. I'm glad Sammy found a friend. He's just doing what comes naturally.
First time to your blog and I see you are an animal lover as well. Just became your newest follower.
donna, I feel your pain. The heatwave has been brutal, and it is such hard work to nurse our flowers into beauty, only to have them eaten or destroyed by wildlife....still, my yard would be a sad and lonely place without the animals. They - and the damage they do - just come along with the territory. Though on many a morning, after surveying all the hostas, phlox, and impatiens the deer had eaten the night before, I have toyed with the idea of buying a shotgun...(hee hee)
that reminds me, I am almost outta peanuts...better get to the store.
I think you should get an award for the best Chip mommy! Not everyone would be so understanding. I think the reason I love you so much is because of your big heart and love for animals.
How kind of you to let Sammy stay in the box! Several squirrels around here have dug up my flower pots, but I don't think they were wanting to lounge around! We have been hot here too, hot and humid, with a little bit of rain today. Not enough rain, but I'll take what ever gets dished out!
Stay cool!
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