(click to enlarge any photos)

Baby had been perched on the windowsill, looking out at the snow falling. Of course by the time I got back with my camera, she had moved to the chair. We purchased the valances in this room back in 1989, which is when the family room was added.

No valance on the slider, but another beautiful view of the snow from this angle. These tab top panels match the valance in the previous photo (they're also 22 years old!).

I love the battenburg lace trim on our dining room valance. It looks like intricate snowflakes to me. I think I got this valance about 8 years ago. I recently purchased a couple of more just like it for an upcoming project that I'll share soon!

This lace valance has been hanging in our living room so long that I don't even remember when I purchased it. It's probably been there at least 12 to 15 years because I purchased it during my primitive decor phase. It transitioned beautifully to the cottage decor we now have.

Nature has also been busy hanging valances on practically every house in New England it seems!

Everywhere you look, icicle valances are hanging from rooftops.

I pray that when they start melting, people aren't affected by roof leaks, but I'm afraid many will be.

We've knocked down the ones we can reach, and the ones on the side of the house where Mr. J goes in and out. We sure wouldn't want one falling on him!

But some are just too difficult to reach right now, like these outside our bedroom window.

Finally! The sun is out today after 2 back-to-back snowstorms. But they are predicting another snowstorm for Saturday that might give us at least 6" more...
I don't know how much more we can take! As you can see, the snow is already up to the flowerboxes on our backyard shed! (Sammy, in the foreground, was happily muching on birdseed in the screen feeder when I snapped this photo this morning.)
I'm sorry I haven't visited many of you in the past week but I will visit soon. Dad had a bad reaction to a routine surgery and we have been very busy this past week. On the plus side, it looks like things are slowly getting back to normal, and for that we are very grateful.
I'm linking to Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home, so be sure to stop by and add your own post and/or visit all the other participating bloggers!
Stay WARM everyone!!!
I, too, love lacy valances. Yours are very pretty...but the icy ones look DANGEROUS! Be careful one doesn't fall on you!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥
Hi Donna...Glad all is okay with you. Your 'ice' photos are great! You could blow those icicle ones up and sell them. They are spectacular. Yeah, we are past our eyebrows with snow. ENOUGH! Take care. Susan
Such a lovely post. I love kitty and how proudly she sits as if she's queen. Your valances are so interesting, I've had a pair I believe in the second or third picture, may still have them. Try to stay away from those outside valances, although pretty a bit on the dangerous side. hugs ~lynne~
Oh my, those icicles are amazing!! I grew up in NJ and miss the snow, here it is very cold for us highs in 20's and expecting a bit of snow tonight (very unsual for central Texas) Enjoyed seeing all your snow!! Stay warm and protect those pets!!
Lovely photos of you window and yard. Wow...that snow is so beautiful. I love the look of icicles. Nature~oh the wonders of it all.
Stay safe and warm and cozy!
Thanks for sharing these photos. We don't get snow around here, so it's nice seeing other people's pictures. (I LOVE your cat and Sammy, by the way. We used to have a visiting squirrel at our old house, too. After a while, she brought her boyfriend with her. Lol! We named them "Sassy" and "Samwise Gamgee.")
I hope your Dad feels better soon!
The snow is beautiful, but I know you guys are getting a little tired of it. Try to stay warm and comfy in you lovely home! Carla
That Battanburg lace is a very good introduction to the ice and snow outside the window. We're even cold and freezing here. Poor Sammy. Lucky Baby Kitty.
We have tons of icicles hanging from our room, too. More than I've ever seen before!
Oh goodness, Donna, I hope your Dad is doing better. That must have been a scare, my friend. Thinking of you and your Dad.
There are alot of us out here that are groaning and commiserating with you, Donna. Enough with all of this snow and cold and ice and wind! Bring on SPRING!!! lol! Glad to hear that life is getting back to normal for you all.
xoxo laurie
I have been visiting your blog for a while and find it lovely and charming.
I feel so bad for those of you getting hit with the storms one right after the other. It does make for some stunning photos though! Your valances are just beautiful.
Ola , very nice capture shots, best regard from Belgium.
I love your choice of window toppers! Would you believe that we don't have any valences or curtains at this new place of ours? We just like the bare look for now! If I do get a sudden urge later on, it will just be a topper or two.
Hi there- oh it looks cold there! Hope spring is on it's way soon!! Love your pretty lace- new follower- stopping by from Romantic Home. Nice to meet you! :)
Good Morning, Donna,
How is your dad? I have been thinking about you, my friend. I know how difficult it is to be caring for an aging parent.
Oh, and I love your valances and think snow is pretty too!
Take care, ~Natalie
Very beautiful!! The icicles are are even gorgeous! It's amazing the difference in our temps. It's 7pm here and I'm sitting here with the back door open right now! I hope you get an early spring soon! I know all of you on the east coast have had such a harsh winter this year!
I just saw your weight loss thing on your sidebar! Congratulations! We are both about the same! I've lost 45 lbs as of this morning! It feels great, doesn't it!!!
We are suppose to get more snow on Thursday, but not as much as you have! I just told someone else that when it snows it covers up all the bad outside, things I haven't done yet, and makes it all clean and pretty! Your lace valences are so pretty, and add just the right touch to your photos too. Those icicles are just unreal. Wow! I hope your dad is doing much better, and that when all of this stuff melts you won't have roof leaks either.
I love the battenburg lace valance. It's so pretty with the snow in the backgrund.
Oh this Winter has tested everyone's patience. Even I am hating it and I normally love Winter!
I see Baby got in your picture. Don't they always do that, they move right to the spot where you are taking your photo.
Glad to hear your Dad is on the mend.
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