(click to enlarge photos)

... through our dining room window...

...is once again this view... green. warm. inviting. And I'm not the only one dreaming of spring's arrival...

This is Sammy, about an hour ago, munching on the peanuts that were thrown his way.

Of course after a meal of peanuts, a long sip of water hits the spot.

Poor little Sammy, all covered in snow. We are in the middle of yet another snowstorm today. By nightfall tomorrow, we will have an additonal 20" on top of what we already have.

This photo was taken last week (excuse the bunched up window runner, courtesy of Baby). Sammy was eating at the window box (you can see his bushy tail) while the mourning doves enjoyed the birdbath.

The doves treat it as a steambath...

Yes, they do drink from it (as a matter of fact, it needs to be filled right now)...

But mostly it's the social gathering spot (along the same lines as the office water cooler), and a very warm place to gather on cold winter days...

I snapped these photos this morning, while running errands.

The lady standing in the road up ahead was having trouble getting her pickup truck up this slight incline.

If I could, I wouldn't venture out again until April. New England + snow + driving = no fun.

So be careful, everyone. And, "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy ride!" (to borrow a slightly altered line from Bette Davis in All About Eve!)
I'm linking up to the gorgeous Faded Charm for this week's White Wednesday. Pop over and see the gorgeous old mirror she transformed, and to find a list of all the other bloggers participating in White Wednesday!
Wow, you sure have had a lot of snow! I think I could hibernate for the rest of winter, couldn't you? Stay warm, my friend. Carla
Yes, I am in a foul mood today, because with this storm, I have officially had it. Too much. Stay safe.
Oh Donna....we are getting WHOMPED with snow, too. Holy bazookers. Take care. Susan
The mourning doves are definitely enjoying their chat at the heated bird bath.
Somehow the animals seems to fare just fine through all this weather, though I sure don't know how! Wish we had our heated BB up and running. The bowl was cracked and my husband never set up the spare bowl. Poor birdies : (
I'm so glad my hubby will be home for the storm tomorrow so he can keep up with it! Tonight I'm heading out to pick up a few groceries. Stay in where it's warm and safe, Donna.
Heavens, it's even cold and frigid here! I feel so sorry for the animals outside. What's that Baby up too, any how?
So sweet of you to feed the birds and squirrels in this bad weather.
My commute home took 3 times longer than usual but it really wasn't bad.
Let's hope tomorrow is not as bad as expcted.
This was interesting. Love Sammy the squirrel. Hope you keep warm and cozy until the springtime!
YIKES!!! We're getting that same snowstorm, Donna - with 20" being dumped here, too!! UGH! Snuggle in and enjoy some "down" time, girly! I don't plan on going anywhere the rest of the week! lol!
xoxo laurie
I know exactly how you feel ~ sigh ~ Oh for spring. It's not coming here for a while I fear ~ more than a foot of snow coming ~ brrrr
Donna, Living in Texas I just couldn't imagine all the snow. We have a chance on Thursday and Friday for a small amount. We'll see. Beautiful pictures, stay safe.
It looks bitterly cold Donna, and so deep in your yard...
It is so hot here, 40 degrees cel everyday this week, I could do with some snow right now!
Spring, for you isnt too far away, take care.
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