1) Children's Books
by Strickland Gillilan
You may have tangible wealth untold
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be.
I had a Mother who read to me

These two books bring back wonderful memories of my mother reading to me and my sister. I'm certain it's where my love for beautifully illustrated children's books started.
I just loved the little stories of Uncle Wiggily and all his friends (the stories and references seem so dated now, but I love them still!)... And my mother was never able to get through The Little Match Girl without tearing up a bit. So strong are the memories of these two books that I bought them for my girls when they were little. (And like my mother, I cannot make it through to the end of The Little Match Girl without my throat catching before I'm able to continue on to finish the book)… I wish I had the actual books that my mom used to read from, but I’m afraid they may have been ruined years ago when my parent’s basement flooded, claiming many cardboard boxes of stored childhood memories...
2) Not all was lost!
2) Not all was lost!

I was so excited to find these books just last year in my dad’s basement. We thought all our childhood items had been lost in the flood, but three of my childhood books survived! There’s The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk (c 1941), Daniel Boone (c 1945), and Freddy and the Ignormus (c 1941). They now have places of honor in my home!
3) This is how I learned to read!

And speaking of childhood memories, I purchased this old (copyright 1951) Dick and Jane Basic Reader book on eBay many years ago. It’s just like the Dick & Jane books I learned to read from…

Just looking at these old illustrations brings me right back to my old classroom, sitting at my little wooden desk…
4) James Kavanaugh Poetry Books

I treasure my small collection of 4 James Kavanaugh books. My sister introduced me to his poetry when she gave me “Will You Be My Friend?” in the 70’s and I loved so many of his poems that I've picked up several more of his books over the years, all ranging from copyright 1970 to 1982.
5) Mary Higgins Clark

I love a good mystery and Mary Higgins Clark is my absolute favorite! I own every one of her books in hardcover (this is just a small sampling here in the bookcase)… I look forward to her new book every year. (Her next one, Just Take My Heart, is being released April 7, 2009!)
6) Little Women

I love a good mystery and Mary Higgins Clark is my absolute favorite! I own every one of her books in hardcover (this is just a small sampling here in the bookcase)… I look forward to her new book every year. (Her next one, Just Take My Heart, is being released April 7, 2009!)
6) Little Women

Okay, this is really embarrassing. I own several beautiful old hardcover copies of Little Women (copyrights 1926, 1935, and 1980). I've seen the movie a gazillion times (one of my favorites), but I've yet to read the book!!! I think that will be my next book after I finish Elsie Dinsmore [which is the actual copy that belonged to my mom when she was a girl - her name is even written on the inside cover in her penmanship - so special!!]...

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Orchard House in Concord, MA, where Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women, many times. If you ever get the chance, go! When the tour gets to her bedroom, and I’m standing right next to the actual table/desk where she wrote Little Women, I swear I get chills up and down my spine… (They duplicated Orchard House perfectly in the Winona Ryder/Susan Sarandon movie version of Little Women.) Okay, back to books!
7) Saving the best for last...

These two books are always close by in my office, and close to my heart...

My girls gave them to me for Christmas, 11 years ago, knowing how much I love quotations and poems. Courtney gave me Teddy Bear Quotations and Amanda gave me "for MOTHER... a gift of love." I am truly blessed...
Okay, I know this is a busy, busy month, so rather than naming specific people, I’m going to open this up to anyone who would like to share 7 Weird or Random Book facts about themselves! If you do, let me know so I can read yours!
Wow ...as soon as I started reading your post you brought back memories of one of my favorite childhood books ...."The Little Match Girl" .
I can almost remember the illustrations and some of the story. I might have to search for that one and buy it .
:o) Sue
Great books Donna! Little Women is my all time favorite!
Hugs, Sherry
Donna your books are wonderful and I literally gave a squeal of glee when I saw Uncle Wiggley. That was my one of my very favorite stories as a child and I even had the board game!
How special all these books are and I believe you all ready know I am also a lover of books and literature.
I enjoyed this post thoroughly and wish you a very happy Tuesday!
I, too, learned to read with the Dick and Jane books. My niece was having trouble with reading in school. I found an old Dick and Jane book and gave it to her. She hated reading because of her trouble with it. She sat down with that Dick and Jane book and read 55 pages all at once! It boosted her confidence so that she no longer has trouble reading and will often choose books beyond her grade level for the challenge.
oooh Donna I love your library. Dick and Jane, I remember them so well. Just like yesterday!
I want to comment on each book you've displayed. I loved Little Woman, I can understand why you built this collection. You'll read it in your own time. Just being able to have the book is a treasure.
I selected 7 also. Thank you for leaving this open for all.
This is fun.
Mary Ellen
I read Uncle Wiggly, too; haven't thought of that book in years. It was tattered and torn, but I loved it.
Hi Donna!
Thanks for doing the tag --I knew you'd put a lot of thought into it, and it was fun to see what books you'd mention. I think all of us that learned to love reading at a tender age have children's books amongst our favorites. I guess "Dick & Jane" did a good job!
I love quotations too! I so many written down in journals and it is always fun to re-read them.
Hugs, Pat
Uncle Wiggley was one of my favorites, too, and I also learned to read with Dick & Jane. I loved reading about their lives. They only had 2 kids in their family, we had 7 at that time, so their lives were a lot different than mine. Thanks for stirring up the good memories.
What wonderful books you have..... I adore the Dick and Jane books..... good old spot...
What wonderful books you have..... I adore the Dick and Jane books..... good old spot...
Hi. I'm in New England too. I remember the Dick & Jane books. I love Mary Higgins Clark too.
"The Little Match Girl" yes, "Dick and Jane" yes, and although no one else mentioned it we even had that copy of Daniel Boone in our home. My brother had trouble with the reading and we had lots of books to help him pick up his reading skills. I too have checked out "Little Women" but have never made it passed the first few pages. I have seen the movies though. One day. I hope to do a post soon with childhood book memories thanks for leaving this open to all.
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